About the exhibit
Welcome to the National Press Club 2024 members photo exhibit. The show is produced by NPC's Photography Team and runs September 3 to 30, 2024 in the Club's main lobby on the 13th floor of the National Press Building, 529 14th Street NW in Washington, D.C.
The exhibit is National Press Club's annual celebration of visual storytelling. The 203 photos and images this year combine photojournalism with event, travel, wildlife, street, sports, and lifestyle photography, as well as expressions of photographic art. The entries represent a wide range of experiences, interests, and geographic locations.
Plus, this year marks the 25th straight year for the exhibit, where we honor the show's Silver Circle -- Marshall Cohen, Christy Bowe, and Jim Dandridge -- who contributed photos to every exhibit since it began in 1999. Cohen is also founder of NPC's Photography Committee in 1999, when he put on the initial show.
We thank the 52 Club members for contributing their photos and images. And a heartfelt thanks goes to NPC executive director Didier Saugy and staff representatives Cecily Scott Martin and Madison Siciliano, for making this whole production possible.
Advisory: Please note that the exhibit displays news photos portraying conflict and suffering in wartime, as well as words and actions some people may find unpleasant or disturbing.
Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel at the National Press Club in Nov. 2006. Photo by Marshall Cohen
Tips for viewing the catalog
The catalog can be viewed on most any device: laptop, desktop, big-screen monitor, tablet, or smartphone. While the exhibit can be viewed on a phone, most images display better on a horizontal screen. If using a phone, tilt the screen for a horizontal display.
The Browse Photos link lets you view the entire collection, divided into two slide shows. And the Photographers link on each catalog page takes you to the list of photographers, to find a person's photos, where you also can learn the story behind most of the images displayed.
All of the photographer's images in the catalog are displayed on the SmugMug photography web site to enable better viewing on all devices, courtesy of Technology News and Literature. In SmugMug, each photographer has their own gallery. Once in a photographer's gallery, click on an image to see the image in full size. You can also scroll through each image separately in a gallery to read the full descriptions.
Thank you for visiting the 2024 exhibit catalog and enjoy the show.
National Press Club Photography Team
Alan Kotok, Chair
Noël-Marie Fletcher, Vice-Chair
Background image: Wil Stewart, Unsplash