Category: Joint ventures/collaborations

  • Myelin Foundation to Assess Multiple Sclerosis Treatment

    Myelin Repair Foundation in Saratoga, California is collaborating with drug development company Bionure Inc. in Barcelona, Spain to evaluate Bionure’s compound BN201 as a therapy candidate for multiple sclerosis. Financial aspects of the agreement were not disclosed. Multiple sclerosis is a condition where the immune system attacks the central nervous system and damages the fatty,…

  • Novartis Licenses University Stem Cell Transplant Technology

    The global pharmaceutical company Novartis, based in Switzerland, is licensing research conducted at University of Louisville to help transplant patients better tolerate donated kidneys. Financial aspects of the agreement between Novartis and the Louisville biotechnology company Regenerex LLC, the original licensee and completed last month, were not disclosed. Regenerex is the company founded by Suzanne…

  • DNAnexus, Baylor Partner on Large-Scale Genomic Analysis

    Genomics and bioinformatics researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and analytical services company DNAnexus in Mountain View, California are collaborating on large-scale genomic sequencing for research and clinical applications, with a cloud computing platform. The partnership already processed genomic data from more than 14,000 individuals for a genetics analysis on heart disease and…

  • Consortium Funds Bio-Semiconductor Component Research

    Semiconductor Research Corporation in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina is supporting research at six universities on components performing electronic functions, but based on biological models. The $2.25 million Semiconductor Synthetic Biology research studies will be conducted at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Yale, Georgia Tech, Brigham Young, and University of Washington. Semiconductor Research…

  • Consortium Formed for Antibiotic Resistance Drug Discovery

    A collaboration of Anacor Pharmaceuticals in Palo Alto, California with Colorado State University and University of California in Berkeley is researching new types of antibiotics to treat a broad range of infections, including those resistant to current antibiotics. The $13.5 million, 3.5 year project is funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, part of the…

  • Genetic-Based Antibiotic Found Effective in Lab Tests

    Researchers at Oregon State University, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and the biotechnology company Sarepta Therapeutics tested in lab mice an antibiotic developed from synthetic genetic material that kills bacteria resistant to traditional antibiotics. Their findings appear online today in the Journal of Infectious Diseases (paid subscription required). The team from the labs of…

  • Evogene, DuPont Pioneer Extend Biotech Soybean Partnership

    Evogene Ltd, a biotechnology company in Rehovot, Israel is extending its collaboration with the Pioneer subsidiary of the U.S. chemical company DuPont to develop soybean varieties resistant to Asian soybean rust, a damaging fungus to soybean plants. The agreement adds one year to the partnership between the two companies, but financial aspects of the deal…

  • Research Aims to Standardize, Improve Medication Labels

    A study by Northwestern University’s medical school in Chicago will test new methods for physicians to write prescriptions and pharmacists to interpret those instructions for labels on drug containers. The pharmaceutical company Merck is funding the project, with participation from the drug store chain Walgreens and Alliance of Chicago community health centers. Previous research at…

  • P&G Seeking Ideas, Partners in Inkjet Printing Challenge

    Procter & Gamble Company in Cincinnati is seeking new ideas for applications of 3-D inkjet printing to add consumer appeal to packaging, as well as collaborators to bring those ideas to fruition. The campaign to find these ideas and partners is contained in a new challenge on InnoCentive, which has a deadline of 30 October…

  • Dow AgroSciences Developing Insect-Resistant Soybean Traits

    Dow AgroSciences in Indianapolis, a subsidiary of Dow Chemical Company, is developing genetically engineered traits that provide soybeans with a greater ability to resist attacks from insects that chew on their plants. The company in a statement says it plans to submit its soybean traits for regulatory approval worldwide, beginning in Brazil and Argentina. The…