Category: Joint ventures/collaborations

  • Radiation Sensors Launched in Open-Source Satellites

    Radiation sensors made by Libelium, a developer of wireless sensor hardware in Zaragoza, Spain are part of the payload contained in CubeSat satellites launched this past weekend on a cargo mission by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. The sensors are part of the first two ArduSat satellites made by open-platform satellite maker NanoSatisfi in San…

  • Bayer, Compugen to Partner on Cancer Immunotherapies

    The pharmaceutical company Bayer HealthCare in Berlin and drug discovery company Compugen Ltd in Tel Aviv, Israel agreed on a development and licensing deal for two potential cancer therapies discovered by Compugen that harness the body’s immune system. The deal has a potential value to Compugen of at least $540 million. Compugen uses computational biology,…

  • Efficient Synthesis Process Developed for Skin Cancer Drug

    Chemists at Scripps Research Institute in San Diego and Leo Pharma in Denmark devised a more efficient process to synthesize ingenol, a complex compound found in treatments for actinic keratosis, a precancerous skin condition. The team led by Scripps’s chemistry professor Phil Baran published its findings in this week’s issue of Science Express, the advance…

  • FibroGen, AstraZeneca Partner on Kidney-Based Anemia Therapy

    The global pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca is licensing a therapy for anemia caused by kidney disease made by FibroGen, a biotechnology company in San Francisco. The deal is valued initially at $815 million, and covers the U.S., China, and other markets not covered by an earlier FibroGen license to Astellas Pharma for commercialization in Europe, Japan,…

  • Renewable Biochemical Spin-Offs Land Small Business Grants

    Two start-up companies, founded to commercialize research on renewable biochemicals at Iowa State University at Ames, received small business research grants from National Science Foundation to develop their technologies for the marketplace. The companies — OmegaChea Biorenewables in Ames and Glucan Biorenewables in St. Louis — are spin-off enterprises from Iowa State’s Center for Biorenewable Chemicals. OmegaChea Biorenewables,…

  • Scripps Institute, Sigma-Aldrich to Partner on Reagents

    Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California is collaborating with Sigma-Aldrich Corp. in St. Louis to speed the availability of new chemical reagents for drug discovery to the scientific community. The deal calls for payments to Scripps from Sigma-Aldrich, a chemical and laboratory services company, although the size of the payments is not disclosed. Under…

  • Food Industry Establishes Traceability Research Center

    The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) in Chicago unveiled its Global Food Traceability Center to conduct research and develop best practices to identify sources of health problems related to food products. The organization says there currently is no single group that brings together all industry stakeholders to collaborate on finding solutions to these problems. The…

  • Cancer Research UK, Biotech Partner on Drug Discovery

    Forma Therapeutics in Watertown, Massachusetts and Cancer Research Technology Ltd. in London are collaborating on finding drug candidates that target the regulators of protein levels in cells, a key factor in a number of diseases, including cancer. Cancer Research Technology is the for-profit commercialization subsidiary of the foundation Cancer Research UK. Financial amounts to be…

  • Biotech, Cancer Center Partner on Tumor-Targeting Peptides

    Blaze Bioscience, a biotechnology company in Seattle, is partnering with the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, also in Seattle, to develop and commercialize drug candidates based on engineered peptides that better target tumor cells than conventional cancer drugs. Financial amounts in the agreement were not disclosed. The Hutchinson Center is conducting research on optides —…

  • University, 23andMe Identify Genetic Allergy Associations

    Two large-scale population studies associating allergies to genomics discovered 16 genetic regions associated with common allergies, including pollen, cats, and dust mites. The findings from the studies that combined databases collected by the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children at Bristol University in the U.K. and the personal genetics company 23andMe in Mountain View,…