Category: Joint ventures/collaborations

  • NIH Funding Antibacterial Resistance Clinical Research Net

    National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of National Institutes of Health, is establishing a network of research universities to carry out clinical studies on antibacterial resistance. The first installment of $2 million will fund a leadership group of 20 researchers nationwide,with total potential funding of $62 million by 2019. The Antibacterial Resistance…

  • GSK Licenses Biotech Antibody for Arthritis, MS Drugs

    The biotechology company MorphoSys AG in Germany says the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline is licensing its targeted human antibody drug candidate MOR103 to treat rheumatoid arthritis. The deal has a potential value to MorphoSys of €445.5 million ($US 579 million), not counting future sales royalties. MorphoSys develops engineered antibodies for therapies and diagnostics. One of its…

  • Indiana Companies, Universities Form Biosciences Institute

    A consortium of life sciences companies and universities in Indiana launched today the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute, a public-private partnership that expects to be financed largely through corporate funds. The institute aims to attract top research talent and dollars to develop pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, medical devices, biologic therapies, and agricultural biotechnology, including animal health. Indiana Biosciences…

  • FuturaGene, Danforth Center Partner on Crop Yield Technology

    FuturaGene, a Sao Paulo, Brazil biotechnology company in the forestry industry will collaborate with Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis to apply FuturaGen’s yield enhancement discoveries to food crops in developing countries. Financial and intellectual property aspects of the deal were not disclosed. FuturaGene, a subsidiary of the Brazilian forestry products company Suzano…

  • Mayo Clinic, Cancer Genetics Form Cancer Diagnostics Venture

    The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and Cancer Genetics Inc. in Rutherford, New Jersey formed OncoSpire Genomics, a joint venture to develop personalized cancer diagnostics based on next-generation genomic sequencing. Financial aspects of the deal were not disclosed. Cancer Genetics develops tests to discover genetic abnormalities, particularly those leading to personalized management of cancer. Among…

  • Clinical Trial Shows Antibody Effective with Severe Asthma

    A clinical trial testing a new asthma drug by the pharmaceutical companies Sanofi in Paris and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals in Tarrytown, New York shows the drug sharply cut the rate of asthma exacerbations or attacks compared to a placebo in patients with moderate to severe forms of the disease. The findings were reported yesterday in the…

  • GSK Holds Challenge for Academic Drug Discovery Partners

    The global pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is holding a competition for academic partners to conduct drug discovery research, with the winners receiving an opportunity to develop the therapy with the company. The Discovery Fast Track program aims to speed up the drug discovery process and is open to academic researchers in the U.S. and Canada.…

  • Nimbus, Shire Partner on Rare Genetic Disease Drug Discovery

    Nimbus Discovery, a biotechnology company in Cambridge, Massachusetts will discover and develop new small-molecule drug candidates to treat a set of rare genetic disorders, for the specialty pharmaceutical company Shire plc based in Ireland. Under the deal, Shire will provide Nimbus with periodic milestone payments, and while financial details of the agreement were not disclosed,…

  • Power Company, Research Center Partner on Wind Forecasts

    National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado and the electric utility Xcel Energy are collaborating on a new forecasting system to improve the company’s wind energy operations. Financial aspects of the two-year partnership, which continues an existing agreement between the organizations, were not disclosed. NCAR is a federally funded research and development center…

  • University, Biotech Develop Heart Tissue Repair Patch

    Biomedical engineers from Duke University in North Carolina and the biotechnology company VistaGen in San Francisco grew in the lab human heart tissue material from stem cells that could one day repair heart muscle or test new drugs.  Findings of the team led by Duke professor Nenad Bursac appeared online last week in the journal…