Category: Joint ventures/collaborations

  • Consortium to Examine Digital Games Social, Health Benefits

    A consortium of academic researchers and digital game developers in the U.K. are studying ways to harness the creative energy in digital games for social and health goals. The £1.2 million ($US 1.86 million) project is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and Economic and Social Research Council, both science funding agencies…

  • Biotech, Sloan-Kettering Partner on Blood Cancer Test

    Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York and biotechnology company Foundation Medicine are developing a new test to diagnose blood-related cancers and connect patients to the best treatment options. Foundation Medicine plans to commercialize the test and bring it to market by the end of 2013. Other financial and intellectual property aspects of the deal…

  • Trial Tests Implanted Device Warning of Epilepsy Seizures

    Medical researchers at University of Melbourne in Australia and medical device developer NeuroVista in Seattle showed the feasibility of a device to alert epilepsy patients of impending seizures. The results of an early-stage clinical trial were reported online today in the journal Lancet Neurology (paid subscription required). Epilepsy is the name given to a collection…

  • Cord Blood Bank Service Adds Cases to Research Database

    ViaCord, a cord-blood banking service in Waltham, Massachusetts, is collaborating with the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research in Milwaukee to add studies of ViaCord’s stem cell transplants to the Center’s research database. Financial aspects of the agreement were not disclosed. ViaCord, a division of manufacturer Perkin-Elmer, offers families expecting children with the…

  • Lab-On-A-Chip Diagnoses Multiple Tropical Diseases

    The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore’s main science funding agency, and Singapore clinical chip manufacturer Veredus Laboratories unveiled a new automated lab-on-a-chip device that can diagnose 13 tropical diseases from a single blood sample. Veredus is a subsidiary of STMicroelectronics specializing in medical diagnostics. The partnership between A*Star and Veredus that developed…

  • Oregon Health, Intel Partner on Genome Analysis Computing

    Oregon Health and Science University in Portland and Intel Corporation are developing new computing technologies to increase the speed and precision of analyzing a patient’s genome, while reducing their time and cost. Financial aspects of the multi-year collaboration were not disclosed. The agreement calls for engineers and scientists from Oregon Health and Intel to develop…

  • University, Resorts Partner on Sun Safety Campaign

    Researchers at San Diego State University are partnering with vacation resorts in the U.S. and Canada to encourage their guests to practice smart sun protection. The San Diego team is headed by health communications professor Peter Andersen and funded by National Institutes of Health. “More than two million new cases of skin cancer are reported…

  • System Being Tested to Move Old E-Car Battery Power to Grid

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, General Motors, and ABB Group in Cary, North Carolina are testing an operational platform to harness the electricity in spent electric vehicle batteries for the power grid. The project is funded by the Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, although the amount of the funding…

  • GE to Crowdsource Product Development from Patent Portfolio

    General Electric Company and Quirky, a product development company using social media, are collaborating on developing GE patents into consumer products. The two companies also are partnering on smartphone-enabled apps connecting to useful or important systems in people’s day-to-day lives. Quirky is a social network where inventors and product developers can submit ideas and have…

  • Non-Battery Power Supply for Aircraft Sensors Flight Tested

    Engineers from Vienna University of Technology in Austria and the commercial aircraft manufacturer EADS are collaborating on a new type of power supply for sensors to monitor a fuselage’s structural integrity. The team reports the first successful flight tests of the devices on an Airbus aircraft. These energy harvesting modules, as they’re called, are the…