Category: Joint ventures/collaborations

  • Novartis, Penn to Partner on Cancer Immunotherapies

    The global pharmaceutical company Novartis and University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia will collaborate on a new type of immunotherapy to treat leukemia and other cancers. Novartis and Penn will also form the Center for Advanced Cellular Therapies on the Penn campus to conduct research on related immunotherapies. The partnership will conduct research, develop and take…

  • NASA Awards Contracts for Commercial Human Space Flights

    NASA signed new agreements today with three American companies to design and develop the next round of U.S. human space flights, succeeding the Space Shuttle and leading to a launch of astronauts from U.S. soil in the next five years. The agreements, which call for a base development period of 21 months, were made through…

  • Bayer CropScience, Australian Agencies Partner on Wheat R&D

    Bayer CropScience in Monheim, Germany, is collaborating with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO, Australia’s science agency) and the Australian Grains Research and Development Corporation to develop new wheat varieties that produce higher yields. Financial details of the deal were not disclosed. CSIRO has already designed a new higher-yielding wheat strain using genetic…

  • Interactive Time-Lapse Landsat Images Now Available

    Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh developed a capability to assemble and view time-lapse images of earth collected from NASA Landsat satellites over the past 13 years. The team from CMU’s Robotics Institute, working with colleagues at Google and the U.S. Geological Survey, created this feature by extending GigaPan technology for capturing and assembling…

  • Company, University Share Stem Cell Research Funds

    Researchers at StemCells Inc. in Newark, California and University of California in Irvine will share a $20 million award from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) to conduct research on stem cells leading to clinical trials to treat cervical spinal cord injury. The grant was one of several awards announced last week by CIRM,…

  • University, Company to Develop Advanced Infrared Detectors

    Rochester Institute of Technology in New York received a National Science Foundation grant for research on infrared detectors grown on silicon wafers, with potential applications in astronomy, remote sensing, and medical imaging. The $1.2 million award will fund RIT’s development, fabrication, and testing of a new type of detectors grown on silicon wafer substrates by…

  • Lymphoma Drug Found to Uncover Dormant HIV

    A team led by researchers at University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill have found a drug given to fight lymphoma was able to dislodge heretofore hidden virus in patients with HIV. The findings appear online in this week’s issue of the journal Nature (paid subscription required). The researchers, led by UNC medical professor David…

  • University, Company to Collaborate on Cancer Imaging

    Queen’s University in Belfast, Northern Ireland, U.K., is partnering with start-up company Cirdan Imaging Ltd., also in Northern Ireleand, to develop new imaging tools for the detection and treatment of cancer. As part of the deal, QUBIS Ltd., the university’s technology transfer subsidiary, will take an equity stake in Cirdan Imaging. The agreement involves research…

  • Techniques Developed for Deeper Single-Cell Gene Sequencing

    Researchers in Sweden and the U.S. have devised a process for in-depth genomic sequencing of single cells, which can lead to a better understanding of malignant tumors. The team from the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, the University of California in San Diego, and Illumina Inc. in Hayward, California published…

  • New Study to Examine Next Generation Mobile Networks

    Researchers at Polytechnic Institute of New York University (NYU-Poly) in Brooklyn received federal, state, and business funding for a study of new wireless technologies that can define the next generation of mobile devices. Funders of the project include the National Science Foundation, Empire State Development Division of Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR), and industry supporters…