Category: Joint ventures/collaborations

  • New Process Speeds Multiple Sclerosis Treatment to Trial

    The Myelin Repair Foundation in California says research it has sponsored has moved to clinical trial stage faster than expected due to a model that accelerates the research process. The phase 1 clinical trial, for which enrollment has begun, will test the efficacy of a treatment for multiple sclerosis that repairs myelin through a therapeutic…

  • Display Surface Developed from Air-Water Interaction

    University researchers in Finland and the U.K., and Nokia Research Center in the U.K., have developed an optical display technology based on the ability of a surface structure to repel water. The findings of the team led by physicist Robin Ras (pictured left) of Aalto University in Finland appear online this week in the journal…

  • Novo Nordisk, Foundation to Partner on Type 1 Diabetes

    JDRF, a foundation supporting research on type 1 diabetes, and the Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk will partner on studies of the autoimmune process that plays a key role in type 1 diabetes. Financial details of the collaboration were not disclosed. Type 1 diabetes is sometimes called insulin-dependent, immune-mediated, or juvenile-onset diabetes, although it can…

  • Five More Pharma Companies Join NIH Drug Extension Project

    A program at National Institutes of Health (NIH) to find new uses for currently tested drugs gained five more pharmaceutical company participants. Abbott, Bristol-Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen Pharmaceutical (a division of Johnson & Johnson), and Sanofi will take part in the Discovering New Therapeutic Uses for Existing Molecules program, run by National Center for Advancing…

  • GE Healthcare, CSIRO to Partner on Alzheimer’s Diagnostics

    GE Healthcare, a division of General Electric Company, and CSIRO, Australia’s science agency, will collaborate on the development of imaging tools to better predict people at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. CSIRO is the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, which is funding the Australian Imaging, Biomarker & Lifestyle Flagship Study of Ageing (AIBL).…

  • Companies, University Team-Up on Drug Side Effects Model

    Researchers at University of California in San Francisco, with colleagues from San Francisco start-up SeaChange Pharmaceuticals and the drug company Novartis, have devised a computer model that predicts adverse reactions to drug compounds, based on the chemistry of the drugs and known molecular causes of side effects. The team’s findings appear online in the journal…

  • Novartis, Foundation Medicine to Partner on Genome Analysis

    The pharmaceutical company Novartis has agreed to use the genomic analysis services of Foundation Medicine in Cambridge, Massachusetts in Novartis’s clinical trials of cancer drugs. The agreement expands an 18-month pilot program between the two companies. Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed. Foundation Medicine conducts a detailed genomic analysis of tumors to help…

  • Low-Dose, High-Rez CT Scanning Technique Developed

    Researchers from France, Germany, and Switzerland have devised an X-ray imaging technique that can improve the contrast of computed tomography (CT) scans while reducing the radiation dose of those scans. The results of the team led by Irene Zanette of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France will be published this week in the…

  • International Consortium Studies Corn Genome

    A collaboration of genetic and agricultural scientists from the U.S., Mexico, France, Kenya, and China have conducted a comprehensive analysis of the corn genome. The team, led by researchers from Cornell University and the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, and funded by USDA and National Science Foundation, published their findings online in the journal Nature Genetics…

  • Foundations, Medtronic to Partner on Glucose Monitoring

    JDRF and the Helmsley Charitable Trust have agreed to support work by Medtronic Inc. in Minneapolis on continuous glucose monitoring systems that can lead to development of an artificial pancreas. Financial details of that support were not disclosed. JDRF has awarded more than $1.6 billion to diabetes research since 1970, while the Helmsley Charitable Trust…