Category: Joint ventures/collaborations

  • AstraZeneca, HealthCore Partner on Health Outcomes Research

    AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals and HealthCore Inc. in Wilmington, Delaware, said today they will collaborate on real-world studies to determine how to most effectively and economically treat disease. HealthCore Inc. is the clinical outcomes research subsidiary of the health insurance company WellPoint Inc. The research is expected to include prospective and retrospective observational studies on disease states…

  • National Lab, University to Certify Flu Screening Machine

    Researchers from Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and the UCLA School of Public Health in Los Angeles will test and certify a key component of the High-Throughput Laboratory Network (HTLN) to be built by HighRes Biosolutions of Boston, Massachusetts. The company will design the automated extraction and screening system for a prototype compact…

  • University Opens Silicon Photonics Chip Design Service

    The University of Washington in Seattle opens today a new service called OpSIS to help scientists and engineers share the high cost of developing a new type of light-based computer chips. OpSIS — Optoelectronics Systems Integration in Silicon — is a multi-project wafer service for silicon photonics, and part of the university’s College of Engineering.…

  • Cancer Drug Aids Regeneration of Spinal Cord Nerve Cells

    A team of German, Dutch, and American researchers have found the cancer drug Taxol has properties that can help treat spinal cord injuries. The scientists reported their findings online this week in Science Express on the journal Science Web site. Two key factors impeding the regeneration of nerve cells after a spinal cord injury are…

  • Endo Pharma, Orion Corp. to Advance Cancer Drugs

    Endo Pharmaceuticals in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania and Orion Corporation in Espoo, Finland said today they have a collaboration agreement for drug research and development in oncology. The partnership aims to advance eight discovery-phase cancer drug candidates by combining their relevant R&D programs. The collaboration also gives each company exclusive licensing rights to the other’s development-ready…

  • Genetic Researchers Identify Enzymes for Biofuels

    Researchers have used large-scale DNA sequencing to characterize the genes and genomes of plant-digesting microbes isolated from the rumen — pre-stomach — of a cow, and identify the most promising enzymes for breaking down cellulose in the biofuel switchgrass. The team from the Department of Energy’s Joint Genome Institute, several universities and national labs, and…

  • German Institute, BASF to Collaborate on Batteries

    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Karlsruhe, Germany and the chemical company BASF in Ludwigshafen will develop advanced battery materials at a new KIT lab. The new lab, called BELLA — for Batteries and Electrochemistry Laboratory — is expected to accelerate the implementation of research results in products for high-energy battery systems. KIT and BASF…

  • Singapore Univ., U.S. Company Partner on Vaccines

    Inviragen Inc. in Fort Collins, Colorado and the Duke-National University of Singapore Graduate Medical School (Duke-NUS) announced a partnership to research the transmission and prevention of infectious diseases. Their first  project will involve research and development of vaccines against diseases such as dengue fever, hand, foot and mouth disease, and chikungunya. Dengue infection is a…

  • Collaboration Tracks Solar Streams Disrupting Communications

    A university-government partnership is making operational a prediction model designed for weather forecasting, and put into use to track solar activity that disrupts communications. The Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling (CISM) at Boston University and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center reported the news of the collaboration today at…

  • Pathology Lab, Institute Partner on Cancer Drug Services

    Flagship Biosciences, a pathology lab in Flagstaff, Arizona and TGen Drug Development (TD2), in Scottsdale, Arizona, have teamed up to provide drug discovery and development services to cancer researchers. Flagship Biosciences is a pharmaceutical services company that offers digital pathology to test diseased tissue samples for biotech, pharmaceutical, and medical device customers. TD2 is a…