Category: Joint ventures/collaborations

  • Study Shows Drug Combo Effective as HIV Prevention

    A new study called iPrEx shows that individuals at high risk for HIV infection who took a once-a-day commercially-available tablet containing two widely used HIV medications experienced fewer HIV infections than those who received a placebo pill. The researchers say that the clinical trial, reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, is the first…

  • Lab Adds Nanoscale Layers on Silicon for Semiconductors

    Researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California (UC) Berkeley, have integrated ultra-thin layers of the semiconductor material indium arsenide onto a silicon substrate to create a nanoscale transistor with working electronic properties. Indium arsenide offers several advantages as an alternative to silicon including superior electron mobility…

  • Macular Degeneration Drug Achieves Goal in Clinical Trial

    Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. in Tarrytown, New York and the German pharmaceutical company Bayer HealthCare said today that all regimens of their drug VEGF Trap-Eye (aflibercept ophthalmic solution) met their primary objectives in two separate Phase 3 clinical studies of patients with the neovascular form of age-related macular degeneration, often called wet AMD. VEGF Trap-Eye is…

  • Machine Learning Helps Decipher Consumer Medical Searches

    Many consumers turn to Web sites like WebMD for comprehensive health and medical information, but they cannot help as much if visitors searching the sites use unclear or unorthodox language to describe their conditions. A group of Georgia Tech researchers in Atlanta have created a machine-learning model that enables the sites to learn visitors’ dialect…

  • Univ. Nanotech Center Opens Collaborations in Japan

    The College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) of the University at Albany in New York has established partnerships with three educational and technological institutions in Japan. These collaborations in nanoscale education and research and development are the first for CNSE in the Pacific Rim. Joint programs are underway between CNSE and Japan’s National Institute…

  • Foundation, Company Partner on Diabetes Clinical Study

    The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) in New York, N.Y. and Amylin Pharmaceuticals Inc. in San Diego, California said today they entered into an agreement to provide financial support for a clinical proof-of-concept study to investigate the effects of Amylin’s metreleptin, an analog of the human hormone leptin, in patients with type 1 diabetes. Researchers…

  • Pfizer and UCSF Sign R&D Collaboration, More Planned

    Pfizer Inc., the New York, N.Y. pharmaceutical manufacturer, said today it will establish a network of partnerships with academic medical centers to access the talents of university researchers. Called the Global Centers for Therapeutic Innovation, the University of California, San Francisco is the first university in Pfizer’s network. Pfizer plans to establish a presence at…

  • New Blood Test Indicates Heart Failure Potential

    Researchers at University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore have developed a new investigative blood test that can help predict the risk of heart failure and cardiovascular death earlier than previously possible. The test is particularly useful in older people who do not have symptoms of heart failure. The new test measures troponin T,…

  • Vinegar-Lemon Compound Shown to Help Cure Organic Pork

    Makers of pork products who want to label their products as organic or natural are faced with a problem: two traditional curing agents for pork -– nitrites and nitrates -– aren’t allowed in natural and organic versions of the meat. Iowa State University (ISU) researcher Joe Sebranek, with support from the Food Safety Consortium, believes…

  • Company, Institute Collaborate on Targeted Drug Formulations

    Milestone Scientific Inc. in Livingston, New Jersey and Ordway Research Institute in Albany, New York have agreed to develop drug formulations for precise targeted delivery of drugs to affected body parts, organs, and cancerous tissue through Milestone’s CompuFlo injection technology. Milestone Scientific is a developer of computer-controlled drug delivery technologies and Ordway is a research…