Category: Joint ventures/collaborations

  • Researchers Devise Formula to Calculate Walking Energy

    A university/government research team led by Peter Weyand of Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, Texas developed an equation to calculate exactly how much energy walkers expend based on walkers’ height, weight, and distance covered. Their findings and formula, which can be used in pedometers and biofeedback devices and for planning exercise regimens, are published…

  • Companies Partner on Renewable Fragrance/Flavor Materials

    Amyris Inc., a developer of renewable materials through synthetic biology in Emeryville, California said it has signed a collaboration and joint development agreement with Firmenich, a maker of fragrances and flavors in Geneva, Switzerland. This is the first agreement for Amyris in the fragrance and flavor industry. Firmenich will fund Amyris’s development of a sustainable…

  • Semiconductor Group Signs Research Deal with Abu Dhabi

    Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina and Advanced Technology Investment Company (ATIC) in Abu Dhabi announced today (11 November) a university research partnership to increase semiconductor R&D in the Arab Gulf state of Abu Dhabi. SRC is a university-industry research consortium for semiconductors and related technologies, and ATIC is a technology…

  • Student, Company Produce Nanotech for Solar Cells

    A collaboration between a University of Copenhagen Ph.D. candidate in Denmark and nearby solar technology company SunFlake A/S produced a discovery of using nanotechnology to improve the efficiency of solar cells and other nanoscale electronics. Nanowires are chains of single crystals a few nanometers across (1 nanometer = 1 billionth of a meter) with unique…

  • Survey: U.K. Businesses Benefit from Academic Collaboration

    Improving business performance is the main focus for companies collaborating with universities, rather than technological innovation, according to results of surveys of businesses and academic institutions released today. The surveys were conducted by the Centre for Business Research at the University of Cambridge in the U.K. and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.…

  • Institutions, Companies Form Psychiatric Trial Database

    An international academic-industry collaboration brings together data on 23,401 anonymous patients from 67 trials on 11 compounds in over 25 countries, to form the largest database of clinical trial data ever created in psychiatric research. The project known as NEWMEDS — Novel Methods leading to NeW MEdications in Depression and Schizophrenia — is led by…

  • GE Plans $500 Million R&D Investment in China

    General Electric Company plans to invest another $500 million in China for research and development, including regional R&D hubs to serve the Chinese market. GE Chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt announced the investment today, as part of a $2 billion plan that includes joint ventures in technology, energy, financial services, and transportation. Immelt (pictured left)…

  • Graphene-Based Material Developed with Teflon Properties

    Scientists from University of Manchester in the U.K. and elsewhere have created a new material which could replace or compete with Teflon in thousands of everyday applications. The team, including Manchester’s Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov who won the 2010 Nobel Prize for their research on graphene –- the world’s thinnest material — has now…

  • Engineered Plant Produces Compounds for Plastics

    Plants may have in theory the kinds of raw materials for plastics obtained from petroleum-based chemicals, but in reality, getting plants to accumulate these desired products in any meaningful quantity has been an elusive goal. In a step toward industrial-scale green production, scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New…

  • Research Institutes Collaborate on Cancer Nanomedicine

    Five research institutions have formed the Texas Center for Cancer Nanomedicine (TCCN) in Houston to develop nanotechnologies to improve outcomes for patients with ovarian or pancreatic cancers. TCCN is funded by a five-year, $16 million grant from National Cancer Institute. The five institutions taking part in TCCN include University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center,…