Category: Joint ventures/collaborations

  • St. Jude Hospital to Test Nanotech Flu Virus Drugs

    31 May 2016. A company developing anti-viral drugs delivered in nanoscale particles is partnering with scientists at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to test drug candidates to treat influenza. Financial details of the agreement between NanoViricides Inc. in Shelton, Connecticut and St. Jude hospital in Memphis were not disclosed. NanoViricides makes drugs that fight dangerous…

  • Boehringer, Inventiva Partner on Progressive Lung Disease

    31 May 2016. Drug maker Boehringer Ingelheim and biopharmaceutical company Inventiva are collaborating on discovery of new treatments for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and related diseases causing fibrosis. The deal is expected to bring Inventiva, in Daix, France, as much as €170 million ($US 189 million), plus royalties on sales. Boehringer Ingelheim and Inventiva will jointly…

  • Self-Driving Truck Software Based on Biological Model

    26 May 2016. Researchers from Sweden are developing software for controlling self-driving trucks, using the way animals react and adapt to their environment as a model. The team from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg plans to demonstrate the package on Saturday, 28 May, in a Volvo heavy truck as part of the Grand Cooperative…

  • Start-Up, Univ. Lab Partner on Computational Drug Discovery

    25 May 2016. A two-year old company developing algorithms for drug discovery is collaborating with University of Chicago medical school to identify candidates to prevent atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Financial aspects of the agreement between twoXAR Inc. in Palo Alto, California and the lab of Yun Fang at University of Chicago were not…

  • Grid Computing Power Applied to Zika Research

    Carolina Horta Andrade at Federal University of Goiás in Brazil, the lead researcher on the OpenZika project. (Ana Fortunato, IBM) 19 May 2016. A consortium in Brazil and the U.S. is employing distributed grid computing to provide processing power for research on prospective compounds for treating Zika virus infections. The OpenZika project is using World…

  • FDA Approves Trial Testing Stem Cells for Brain Injuries

    Updated 10 June 2016. Gordie Howe died today at age 88. 18 May 2016. A company developing stem cell therapies says the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved its application for a clinical trial testing stem cell treatments for traumatic brain injury. The intermediate-stage trial, sponsored by Stemedica Cell Technologies Inc. is part of a research…

  • ReWalk, Wyss Institute Developing Soft Exoskeleton Robot

    17 May 2016. A robotics company is licensing technology from a bioengineering lab at Harvard University to develop systems for people needing help with mobility, such as those with multiple sclerosis or suffering a stroke. Financial aspects of the deal between ReWalk Robotics Ltd. in Yokneam Ilit, Israel and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired…

  • Biogen, UPenn Partner in $2B Gene Therapy Research Deal

    16 May 2016. The biotechnology company Biogen is collaborating with University of Pennsylvania’s medical school on research into gene therapies and editing, with payments to the university totaling as much as $2 billion. The partnership will fund research in the labs of University of Pennsylvania medical professors James Wilson and Jean Bennett, who study gene…

  • Collaborations Study Microbiome in Cancer, Metabolic Disease

    12 May 2016. The biopharmaceutical company Seres Therapeutics is sponsoring research into the role of gut microbes in cancer and metabolic disorders, at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and University of Pennsylvania. Financial ]aspects of the agreements between Seres, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Memorial Sloan Kettering and Penn were not disclosed. Seres Therapeutics discovers and…

  • Portable Genome Device to Combat Wildlife Trafficking

    12 May 2016. A handheld device for analyzing DNA can be used on the scene to identify products with endangered wildlife, to help stop poachers and smugglers of those species. A team from University of Leicester in the U.K. that devised this solution is the recipient of a $10,000 prize in the Wildlife Crime Tech…