Category: Joint ventures/collaborations

  • Chip Device Simulates Human Gut Interactions

    11 May 2016. A device simulating the human intestine was shown in lab tests to generate similar responses to interactions between gut microbes and cells, as found in humans and animals. The HuMix system — short for Human Microbial Cross Talk — developed by researchers at University of Luxembourg and University of Arizona, is described…

  • Genomics, Data Tools Track MRSA Outbreaks in Europe

    6 May 2016. A combination of whole-genome sequencing and data visualization tools now makes it possible to track the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in European health facilities. A Europe-wide team led by Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and Imperial College London described their software and service yesterday in the journal mBio. The authors call the spread…

  • Collaboration Explores Humanitarian Satellite Applications

    28 April 2016. A start-up satellite imaging provider and agency of the United Nations are partnering on new ways to use satellite imaging to further the UN’s humanitarian, peace-keeping, and climate change mitigation missions. Financial terms between BlackSky Global LLC in Seattle and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, or Unitar, were not…

  • Sanofi Adopting Big Data for Diabetes Drug Adherence

    27 April 2016. Drug maker Sanofi is partnering with two research institutes to harness big data analytics for predicting how people with type 2 diabetes will take their medications. Sanofi’s U.S. division in Bridgewater, New Jersey announced the collaborations today with Duke Clinical Research Institute in Durham, North Carolina and Center for Assessment Technology and…

  • Phones, Wearables Studied to Monitor Brain Disorders

    27 April 2016. A project now underway in Europe plans to develop techniques for smartphones and wearable devices to monitor people with depression, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis. The 5-year, €22 million ($US 25 million) initiative known as Remote assessment of disease and relapse – Central Nervous System, or Radar-CNS, is funded by the Innovative Medicines…

  • NeuroVive, Penn Partner on Traumatic Brain Injury

    26 April 2016. A pharmaceutical company in Sweden is collaborating with University of Pennsylvania’s medical school in preclinical studies of a new drug that protects against long term damage caused by traumatic brain injury. Financial terms of the agreement between NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB in Lund, Sweden and the university were not disclosed. NeuroVive develops drugs…

  • Genetic Techniques Quickly Build Crop Disease Resistance

    26 April 2016. Plant scientists in the U.K. developed genetic engineering techniques that quickly clone resistance to plant diseases affecting wheat, soybeans, and potatoes. The techniques are described in articles appearing in the 25 April issue of the journal Nature Biotechnology (paid subscription required). Teams from the John Innes Centre and Sainsbury Laboratory in Norwich…

  • Charity Starts Industry-Backed Cancer Research Effort

    13 April 2016. The charitable group Stand Up to Cancer unveiled today a new program to spur research on cancer treatments begun by pharmaceutical companies. The program known as Catalyst will harness funds and products from participating companies that will be bid out to the research community at large for further research and development. Charter…

  • Tropical Disease Diagnostics Now on Market

    12 April 2016. PATH research institute and medical test developer Standard Diagnostics are making available tests for the tropical diseases onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis. The rapid, point-of-care tests are designed to help health authorities in Africa and other regions better monitor the spread of the diseases in campaigns to eradicate their occurrence. Onchocerciasis is an…

  • Smartphone-Based Sensor Gives Early Epilepsy Warning

    8 April 2016. An academic and business consortium in Germany is developing a small sensor worn in the ear that detects and warns of seizures in people with epilepsy. The 3-year Epitect project to develop the system, including smartphone software and cloud-based analytics, is led by University Hospital Bonn and supported with €2 million ($US…