Category: Joint ventures/collaborations

  • Bristol-Myers Squibb, S.C. Med School Partner on Fibrosis

    15 July 2015. Medical University of South Carolina and pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb are collaborating on drug discovery research to better understand the science behind fibrosis diseases, leading to new treatments. Financial and intellectual property aspects of the partnership were not disclosed. Fibrosis is the growth of excess tissue that occurs in response to injury…

  • University Campus Serving as Internet-of-Things Lab

    10 July 2015. Carnegie-Mellon University is turning its campus into a real-time lab to develop a Google-funded platform supporting networks known as the Internet-of-things. Google is providing Carnegie-Mellon, in Pittsburgh, a grant of $500,000 for the project that also involves Cornell, Stanford, and University of Illinois. Internet of things, or IoT, is the term given…

  • Oxford, Ludwig Institute Launch Immunotherapy Start-Up

    9 July 2015. University of Oxford in the U.K. and Ludwig Cancer Research Institute are forming a spin-off enterprise to commercialize research by an Oxford immunology professor for cancer therapies. Financial details of the partnership to create iOx Therapeutics were not disclosed. The new company is commercializing research from the lab of Oxford immunologist Vincenzo…

  • Arcadia Bio, Partners to Produce Stress-Tolerant Soybeans

    7 July 2015. Arcadia Biosciences, an agricultural biotechnology company, will develop a new variety of soybeans engineered for greater tolerance of environmental stresses, with partners in Brazil and Argentina, two major soybean growers. Financial details of the collaboration between the Davis, California company and Bioceres S.A. in Rosario, Argentina, and Tropical Melhoramento e Genética Ltda,…

  • Environmental Sensor Developer Reveals Collaborations

    30 June 2015. Aclima Inc., a designer of environmental monitoring sensors and networks, unveiled today collaborations with Google Inc., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, among others. The San Francisco company, operating with little publicity for long as 5 years, did not disclose financial details from any of these partnerships. Aclima Inc.…

  • Patient Registry Started for Rare Genetic Disorder

    29 June 2015. A registry of families with individuals having Sjögren-Larsson syndrome aims to systematically collect data about families’ experiences with the disease and provide a source of participants for clinical trials of therapies. The registry is being formed by the National Organization for Rare Disorders and Sjögren-Larsson Syndrome Network Community. Sjögren-Larsson Syndrome, or SLS,…

  • Broad, Google Partner on Genomic Analysis Platform

    24 June 2015. The Broad Institute, a molecular medicine research organization affiliated with Harvard University and MIT, and Google Genomics are collaborating to offer a readily-available cloud-based analysis platform for genomic data. Financial aspects of the agreement between Broad Institute — officially Eli and Edythe L. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard — and Google…

  • Trial Begins Testing Sickle Cell Blood Therapy

    23 June 2015. A clinical trial began enrolling participants testing a synthesized therapy for sickle cell disease to improve the flow of blood cells blocked by the condition and relieve the intense pain that results. The late-stage trial is being conducted by drug maker Pfizer Inc., with biotechnology company GlycoMimetics Inc. in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Sickle…

  • Allied-Bristol Licenses Chinese Root Extract Technology

    22 June 2015.  A joint venture of drug maker Bristol-Myers Squibb and science commercialization company Allied Minds is licensing research at Harvard University on the actions of a Chinese root extract with therapeutic potential against fibrosis, inflammation, and autoimmune disorders. Financial aspects of the agreement between Harvard and Allied-Bristol Life Sciences were not disclosed. The…

  • Trial Testing Precision Medicine as Skin Cancer Therapy

    18 June 2015. A clinical trial is recruiting participants to test targeted molecular therapies as treatments for advanced cases of skin cancer. The study plans to enroll 96 individuals with melanoma, an advanced and dangerous form of skin cancer, found spreading to other organs in the body and cannot be treated with surgery. Melanoma results…