Category: Joint ventures/collaborations

  • Biotech, Hospira to Partner on Biosimilar for Eye Disease

    10 February 2015. Pfenex Inc., a biotechnology company in San Diego, is licensing its lead product to treat age-related macular degeneration to biologic therapy maker Hospira. The deal can bring Pfenex as much as $342 million, plus royalties on sales of products from the collaboration, over at least the next five years. Age-related macular degeneration is…

  • Activity Trackers Adapted for Clinical Trial Data

    9 February 2015. Medidata Solutions, a company providing cloud-based services for clinical trials, is teaming with Garmin Ltd., a provider of mobile GPS systems, to capture data from Garmin’s activity trackers worn by patients in clinical trials. Financial terms of the collaboration were not disclosed. The deal involves integrating data from Garmin’s Vivofit activity trackers…

  • Multiple Sclerosis Patients to Crowdsource Health Data

    3 February 2015. A new initiative, called iConquerMS, is recruiting 20,000 patients with multiple sclerosis in the U.S. to offer their health data and research ideas to find a cure for the disease. iConquerMS is an undertaking of the Accelerated Cure Project for MS, with the research network segment funded by Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute or…

  • AstraZeneca Begins Four Gene-Editing Collaborations

    29 January 2015. The pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca is taking part in collaborations with research institutes and a company in the U.S. and U.K. to discover new drug targets based on an emerging genome-editing technology. Financial and intellectual property details of the partnerships with Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Innovative Genomics Initiative, Broad Institute and Whitehead Institute,…

  • Cartilage 3-D Printed to Repair Windpipe

    27 January 2015. Researchers at Feinstein Institute for Medical Research in Manhasset, New York devised techniques using a commercial three-dimensional printer for creating cartilage to repair or replace a human trachea or windpipe. Doctoral candidate Todd Goldstein, working in the lab of orthopedic researcher Daniel Grande, presented his proof-of-concept findings at this week’s meeting of…

  • UC-Davis, National Labs to Train Science Entrepreneurs

    23 January 2015. Lawrence Livermore and Sandia National Laboratories are partnering with the Graduate School of Management at University of California in Davis to train scientists in entrepreneurial skills to take their discoveries to market. The pilot program, called Lab-Corps, is funded by a $350,000 grant from U.S. Department of Energy, parent agency of the…

  • Zymeworks, Celgene to Develop Double-Binding Antibodies

    21 January 2015. Zymeworks Inc., a biotechnology company in Vancouver, Canada and pharmaceutical maker Celgene Inc. are developing biologic therapies using Zymeworks’ antibody technology. The deal makes Zymeworks eligible for up to $164 million from Celgene for each candidate developed under the partnership, as well as an unspecified initial payment and equity investment. Under the…

  • University Spin-Off Develops Bone Repair Technology

    20 January 2015. A materials science research center and university spin-off company in Ireland are developing a technology using natural materials to repair bones in people and animals. The bone-repair technology is a product of Ireland’s Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research (Amber) center at Trinity College in Dublin and SurgaColl Technologies in Cork, a spin-off…

  • Neuropore, UCB Partner on Parkinson’s Drugs

    16 January 2015. UCB, a biopharmaceutical company in Brussels, is licensing an experimental drug to treat Parkinson’s disease developed by Neuropore Therapies Inc., a biotechnology company in San Diego. The agreement gives UCB a worldwide license for the compound and is expected to pay Neuropore as much as $480 million. Parkinson’s disease occurs when the brain…

  • European Consortium to Create Alzheimer’s Trial Panel

    15 January 2015. A group of 35 universities, companies, and research institutes in Europe are forming a panel of people in the earliest stages of Alzheimer’s disease to test new treatments that prevent the disorder. The five-year European Prevention of Alzheimer’s dementia or EPAD project is part of the Innovative Medicines Initiative, a joint undertaking…