Category: Joint ventures/collaborations

  • Lilly, AstraZeneca Collaborate on Alzheimer’s Drug

    16 September 2014. The pharmaceutical companies Eli Lilly and Company and AstraZeneca will jointly develop a drug to treat Alzheimer’s disease, currently in early-stage clinical trials. In the $500 million deal, Lilly is licensing research and development conducted so far by AstraZeneca, with the companies dividing up further clinical development, commercialization, and manufacturing of the…

  • Calico Licenses Neurodegenerative Disease Compounds

    11 September 2014. California Life Company, better known as Calico, is licensing for development compounds shown to protect nerve cells in lab animals against degeneration and injury. Financial terms of the deal between Southwestern Medical Center and 2M Company in Dallas, with Calico, a one-year old company backed by Google, were not disclosed. A paper…

  • Coffee Genome Sequenced, Caffeine Enzymes Analyzed

    5 September 2014. An international team of researchers sequenced the genome of a major type of coffee that revealed the evolutionary pathway of this popular drink, and more details about caffeine, a main attraction of coffee. The team was led by Institute of Research for Development and National Sequencing Center, both in France, and University…

  • Calico, AbbVie Partner on Aging Disorder Therapies

    3 September 2014. California Life Sciences LLC, better known as Calico, and the pharmaceutical company AbbVie Inc. are collaborating on discovery and commercialization of drugs for age-related diseases such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. The partnership, which includes building a new research center, could result in a joint investment as high as $1.5 billion. Calico,…

  • Ebola Vaccine Safety Trials Scheduled in U.S., U.K., Africa

    28 August 2014. Early-stage clinical trials testing the safety of new vaccines to protect against the Ebola virus are scheduled to begin as early as next week at sites in the U.S., United Kingdom, Mali, and The Gambia in West Africa. The vaccines are being developed by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID),…

  • Biotech, Universities to Test Hydrogel for Vocal Fold Scars

    28 August 2014. BioTime Inc., a biotechnology company in Alameida, California, is partnering with researchers at University of Wisconsin and Université catholique de Louvain in Belgium to test its hydrogels for treating vocal cord scarring, a voice problem that results from injury or disease. Financial terms of the collaboration were not disclosed. Vocal folds are…

  • Ionic Liquids Shown to Combat Bacterial Biofilms

    27 August 2014. Researchers at Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico developed a way to harness ionic liquids — salts in a liquid state — that in lab tests disrupt biofilms, antibiotic-resistant bacterial colonies, and boost treatments for skin infections. The team led by Los Alamos Lab’s David Fox and Samir Mitragotri at University…

  • University Starts Computer Science/Brain Research Consortium

    26 August 2014. Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh organized an international consortium of researchers to apply computer science techniques to the study of brain research and behavior. The collaboration, known as BrainHub, includes researchers from nearby University of Pittsburgh, as well as Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China, Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, and…

  • Trial Testing Genetic Profiles for Personal Cancer Therapy

    15 August 2014. MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and Foundation Medicine in Cambridge, Massachusetts are testing the benefit of genetic profiles of tumors in determining personalized therapies for patients with metastatic cancer. The researchers conducting the trial also believe genetic profiling can better match cancer patients to studies of new treatments, and lead to…

  • Genetically Engineered Medflies Found to Control Wild Types

    13 August 2014. Researchers at the biotechnology company Oxitec Ltd. in Oxford and University of East Anglia in Norwich, both in the U.K., created a modified form of the Mediterranean fruit fly that tests show can reduce the population of this pest responsible for extensive crop damage in many parts of the world. Results of…