Category: Joint ventures/collaborations

  • Novartis Licensing Smart Lens Technology from Google

    15 July 2014. The Alcon division of pharmaceutical company Novartis is licensing the rights to Google’s so-called smart lens technology for medical applications involving the eyes. Financial terms of the licensing agreement between Alcon that develops vision care products for Novartis and Google[x], part of the company’s research labs, were not disclosed. Google[x] announced in…

  • Personal Leukemia Immunotherapy Given Breakthrough Status

    7 July 2014. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration designated as a breakthrough a personalized immunotherapy developed by University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia to treat acute lymphoblastic leukemia that does not respond to other treatments or has relapsed. FDA assigns a breakthrough designation and accelerates review of drugs or biologic therapies that treat a serious…

  • Solar Process Converts CO2 to Source of Power, Chemicals

    2 July 2014. Chemists from Princeton University and spin-off company Liquid Light Inc. in Monmouth Junction, New Jersey created a process to use sunlight for converting carbon dioxide into formic acid, a source for electric power and industrial chemicals. Princeton chemistry professor Andrew Bocarsly, also a founder of Liquid Light, and colleagues published their findings…

  • Big Data Analytics ID People Risking Metabolic Syndrome

    27 June 2014. Researchers from the insurance provider Aetna Inc. and GNS Healthcare, a data analytics company in the health care industry, developed statistical models that can identify population groups and individuals at risk for metabolic syndrome, a collection of conditions pointing to future heart disorders and diabetes. The team from Aetna’s Innovation Labs in…

  • Student Project Aims to Land Time Capsule on Mars

    23 June 2014. Students from four U.S. universities — with help from research labs, not-for-profit organizations, and companies — are building a space vehicle to propel and land a time capsule of digital files from earth on the surface of Mars. The Time Capsule to Mars project also plans to raise $25 million through crowdfunding…

  • U.K. Public-Private Partnership to Attack Dementia

    20 June 2014. Medical Research Council, a science funding agency in the U.K., organized a consortium of academic and industry researchers to better detect, prevent, and treat dementia. The council and six industry partners plan to spend £16 million ($US 27.25 million) on the U.K. Dementias Research Platform that includes studies involving some 2 million…

  • Lasers Embed Sensors in Smartphone Display Glass

    19 June 2014. Engineers at École Polytechnique de Montréal and Corning Inc. in Corning, New York designed a process for embedding sensors into the display glass covers on smartphones. The research team led by doctoral candidate Jerome Lapointe published its findings in the 30 June 2014 issue of the journal Optics Express, published by Optical…

  • Mobile App/Sensor Designed to Help Parents Control Stress

    4 June 2014. Computer scientists at University of California in San Diego and Microsoft Research designed a system for smartphones and tablets providing immediate research-based guidance for parents to control their stress. The team led by San Diego engineering Ph.D. candidate Laura Pina, with colleagues from Microsoft’s Visualization and Interaction for Business and Entertainment group…

  • Project Underway to Enable Mobile Health Data Collection

    3 June 2014. A joint project of the University of California campuses in San Diego and Irvine aims to answer technical and policy questions needed to collect health-related data from mobile devices and social networks for public health research. The Health Data Exploration Network project received a $1.9 million grant from the Robert Wood Johnson…

  • Challenge Seeks Methods to More Accurately Detect Epilepsy

    2 June 2014. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia are seeking through an open competition new techniques to detect epilepsy seizures sooner and more accurately. The Seizure Detection Challenge has a total prize purse of $8,000 and a deadline for submissions of 19 August 2014. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder…