Category: Regulations

  • Trial Underway Testing Breast Cancer Surgical Aid

    29 October 2015. An early-stage clinical trial is recruiting participants to test a peptide that illuminates tumor cells to be removed in breast cancer surgery. The study is testing the experimental product made by Avelas Biosciences Inc., a biotechnology company in La Jolla, California. The clinical trial is enrolling individuals with primary, non-recurring breast cancer,…

  • Trial Testing Aspirin to Prevent Cancer Recurrence

    22 October 2015. A new late-stage clinical trial is underway in the U.K. testing the ability of a daily aspirin to prevent the recurrence of solid tumor cancers. The trial is financed by the advocacy group Cancer Research UK and National Institute for Health Research, a medical research funding agency. The study, led by oncologist…

  • Influenza A Therapy Shown Working in Trial

    5 October 2015. A clinical trial testing a synthetic antibody designed to treat influenza A shows the treatment is effective in reducing the spread of flu viruses in humans. Visterra Inc., the therapy’s designer, also received a contract valued as much as $204.5 million from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to further…

  • Special: The Next Health Care Disruption

    – Sponsored Content – This blog post is part of the ‘Think Further’ series sponsored by Fred Alger Management. For more “Think Further” content, please visit” The frustration of the physicians comes through, piercing the structured format of a scientific journal. In July 2015, 118 oncologists at leading medical centers and cancer research institutes…

  • Antibody Shown to Reduce Disability in Multiple Sclerosis

    28 September 2015. A late-stage clinical trial shows an engineered antibody can reduce the extent of disability in people with primary progressive multiple sclerosis. The experimental drug, ocrelizumab, is made by Genentech, a biotechnology subsidiary of the pharmaceutical company Roche, in South San Francisco, California. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks…

  • Clinical Trial Underway Testing Cancer Surgery Aid

    22 September 2015. A clinical trial is enrolling patients with soft tissue sarcoma to test a synthetic peptide that illuminates cancer cells to make them more easily removed during surgery. The early-stage study is testing the safety of the peptide made by Blaze Bioscience Inc. in Seattle and conducted at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los…

  • Immunotherapy Shown to Clear Some Cervical Lesions

    17 September 2015. A clinical trial testing a vaccine designed to clear up cervical lesions or sores before they become cancerous, found women receiving the vaccine eradicated more of these lesions than those receiving a placebo. Results of the intermediate-stage trial, funded by Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc. that makes the candidate vaccine, appear in today’s issue…

  • Youth E-Cigarette Use Seen as Smoking Gateway

    9 September 2015. A survey of teens and young adults in the U.S. shows those who smoke electronic cigarettes are much more likely to start smoking tobacco within one year. Results of the study, conducted by a team from University of Pittsburgh and Dartmouth University medical centers, appear online in yesterday’s issue of the journal…

  • Spinal Cord Injury Device Trial Completes Enrollment

    8 September 2015. An early-stage clinical trial testing an implanted biocompatible plastic framework to encourage healing of spinal cord injuries completed its initial enrollment. The Neuro-Spinal Scaffold device is made by InVivo Therapeutics Holdings Corp. in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Spinal cord injuries are usually caused by a sudden, traumatic blow to the spine that bruises or tears…

  • Hemophilia Therapy Candidate Given Breakthrough Status

    4 September 2015. A synthetic antibody designed to prevent bleeding episodes among people with the most common type of hemophilia received a breakthrough therapy designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The pharmaceutical company Roche says FDA assigned the designation its biologic therapy code-named ACE910, now being tested in clinical trials. Hemophilia is an inherited…