Category: Hiring/layoffs

  • More PhDs Heading to Industry, Improve Earnings

    11 December 2015. An analysis of recent grant-funded Ph.D. recipients shows a large number of new doctorates taking jobs in industry, particularly with larger companies paying higher salaries. The study of federal and other grant-supported doctorates, conducted by researchers at several universities and policy institutes, appears in today’s issue of the journal Science (paid subscription…

  • Eli Lilly Expanding NYC Labs for Cancer Therapies

    9 October 2015. The pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly and Company is expanding its research labs in New York City to boost discoveries of cancer therapies that harness the immune system. Lilly expects to hire 50 more research and support staff as part of the expansion. The company’s new facility will inhabit 30,000 square feet in…

  • Phillips, MIT Form Health Technology Collaboration

    20 May 2015. Electronics manufacturer Royal Phillips and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are collaborating on research into health care technology and digital urban lighting systems. The 5-year, $25 million agreement also includes moving the company’s North American research and development center to Cambridge, Massachusetts near the MIT campus. Phillips, headquartered in the Netherlands, designs and…

  • AstraZeneca Building New Biologics Plant

    18 May 2015. The pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca plans to build a new facility in Södertälje, Sweden to manufacture biologic medications. The $285 million plant is expected to employ from 150 to 250 workers when it goes into operation in 2019. Södertälje is the site of AstraZeneca’s largest factory for making tablets and capsules, as well…

  • Eli Lilly Opening Drug Delivery, Device Research Center

    6 May 2015. Pharmaceutical maker Eli Lilly and Company is opening a new research facility in Cambridge, Massachusetts concentrating on drug delivery and medical devices. The research center, in Cambridge’s Kendall Square, is expected to open by the end of 2015 and hire some 30 scientists and engineers. The need for innovation in drug delivery…

  • Making Bootstraps: A Mid-Career Break to Boost Wage Growth

    Summary 15 March 2015. Finding a solution to stubborn wage stagnation in the U.S. has so far eluded policy makers, with most ideas aimed at lower-pay workers, such as raising the minimum wage. A remedy needs to be found for working people at all wage levels. One solution to consider is providing workers with a…

  • Report: U.S. Edge in Advanced Industries Slipping

    5 February 2015. A new report from Brookings Institution says the United States is losing ground to overseas competitors in critical advanced industries that hold the key to the country’s long-term economic future. The study by the Washington, D.C. think tank was discussed in a forum today with six CEOs of U.S. companies and the…

  • RNA Therapies Company Gains $450M in Venture Funds

    5 January 2015. Moderna Therapeutics, a developer of medications that use genetic material to produce therapeutic proteins in the body, raised $450 million in its third announced venture financing round. The Cambridge, Massachusetts biotechnology company says existing investors AstraZeneca and Alexion Pharmaceuticals joined with new participants Viking Global Investors LP, Invus, RA Capital Management, and…

  • Univ at Buffalo Starting Advanced Materials Research Center

    1 July 2014. University at Buffalo in New York is establishing a new materials research department that aims to accelerate the process of bringing advanced materials to market. Buffalo’s Materials Design and Innovation department is a joint project of the university’s engineering and Arts and Science schools, and funded in part by donation of $1.5…

  • Government Shut-Down Another Body Blow Say Life Scientists

    The government shut-down, said a group of researchers, is taking a large and lasting toll on life sciences in the U.S., with the ripples being felt in the economy at large. The life scientists spoke today at a press conference in Washington, D.C. organized by American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB). The researchers, all from…