Category: Hiring/layoffs

  • Forum: Focus Research Funding on Scientists Not Science

    Elazer Edelman, a health sciences and technology professor at MIT called for a different funding formula during tight economic times that finances scientists rather than big scientific initiatives. Edelman made his remarks at a forum today on biomedical innovation in Washington, D.C. put on by American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He also…

  • AstraZeneca Consolidates Research in U.K. and U.S.

    The pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca will consolidate its research operations at three main hubs in its U.K. home base, as well as the U.S. and continental Europe. The four-year plan, which includes moving its corporate headquarters, is expected to cost the company $1.4 billion and result in a reduction of some 1,600 jobs, mainly in the…

  • Pharma Company Allergan to Build New Jersey R&D Center

    Allergan Inc., a developer of specialty pharmaceutical products, will build a new research and development center in Bridgewater, New Jersey. According to a company announcement, the the 93,000-square-foot facility is expected to employ “several hundred” employees, but neither the precise number nor types of the jobs were disclosed. Allergan, headquartered in Irvine, California, develops and…

  • Report: Business Research Funding Decline Impacts Innovation

    A new report from the National Science Board, the governing body of the National Science Foundation, says declines in business R&D investment over the past decade, particularly during the recession of 2008-2009, are taking a toll on American innovation. The report, Research & Development, Innovation, and the Science and Engineering Workforce, also notes that reductions…

  • Israeli Consortium to Study Mediterranean Resources

    A consortium of universities and research institutes, headed by University of Haifa, will establish the Israel Center for Mediterranean Sea Research. A committee of Israel’s Council for Higher Education adopted the recommendation of Israel Academy of Sciences to establish the center, whose work will include research of Israel’s off-shore economic potential. In addition to University…

  • Special: U.S. Policies Connect Research to Manufacturing

    Editor’s note: Science Business today is devoted to a report of a conference in Washington, D.C., “U.S. Manufacturing: Policies for a New Economic Reality.” At a conference on U.S. manufacturing policy at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., panelists urged stronger policies to more explicitly link scientific research to the factory floor, in order for…

  • Roche to Close N.J. Research Labs, Cut 1,000 Jobs

    The pharmaceutical company Roche, based in Switzerland, says it will close its research labs in Nutley New Jersey, resulting in the loss of 1,000 jobs. The company also says it plans to open a new, but smaller, translational research support facility on the east coast of the U.S. next year. The company says the company-wide…

  • Report: Foreign Scientists Key to U.S. Innovation, Patents

    A new report on the impact of immigration on innovation in the U.S. says researchers from overseas account for a large majority of the patents granted to inventors from top research universities, particularly in high-growth science and engineering fields. The report, “Patent Pending: How Immigrants Are Reinventing The American Economy,” was prepared by the Partnership…

  • NC State, Strasbourg Institutes to Advance Biomanufacturing

    North Carolina State University in Durham and University of Strasbourg in France, along with the Alsace BioValley cluster in Europe, are forming Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center (BTEC) International, to provide educational and regulatory advisory services in the U.S. and Europe. BTEC International will initially combine the resources of NC State’s Golden LEAF Biomanufacturing Training…

  • U.S. STEM Grad Student Growth Rate Matches Foreign Students

    A National Science Foundation report says the number of U.S. science and engineering graduate students at American universities increased 35 percent from 2000 to 2010, the same rate as students from overseas. The numbers of women, African-American, Hispanic, and Native American grad students in science and engineering — which includes technology and mathematics, to make…