Category: Hiring/layoffs

  • GSK, Nottinghan Univ. to Collaborate on Green Chemistry

    The BBC is reporting that the global drug manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) will build a new lab at the University of Nottingham in the U.K. for research and education in cleaner and safer chemistry processes. The proposal is expected to be presented first as a proof-of-concept in 2011, for construction at the University’s Jubilee Campus, one…

  • Genzyme Sells Diagnostics Business to Sekisui Chemical

    Genzyme Corporation, a biotechnology company in Cambridge, Massachusetts said today that it has an agreement with Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd., which will acquire Genzyme’s diagnostic products business for $265 million in cash. Sekisui Chemical is a manufacturer of plastic materials for automotive and medical products, as well as PVC pipe systems and fabricated housing headquartered…

  • Economic Model Computes Value of Workplace Flu Shots

    Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania developed an economic model to calculate costs and benefits of employers providing flu vaccinations as an employee benefit. The team from the university’s Graduate School of Public Health showed employers can save substantial funds offering vaccinations, and the sooner in the flu season the shots are offered…

  • Mass. Biotechs Give Postdocs a Look at Business

    The business Web site Xconomy today tells about a year-old program for postdoctoral researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston that gives postdocs a first-hand look at biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. In Xconomy, Sylvia Pagán Westphal tells about Mass. General’s Post Doc Industry Experience Program. Westphal says there are some 1,100 labs affiliated with Mass.…

  • Biotech Company Consolidates, Cuts Workforce 13%

    Biogen Idec, a biotechnology company in Weston, Massachusetts, says it will focus its R&D and manufacturing efforts in the field of neurology, cutting its expenses and workforce in the process. The restructuring announced today (3 November) will mean closing its San Diego, California site, and consolidating its Massachusetts operations. The company says it will concentrate…

  • Defense/IT Developer Expanding R&D Labs, Staffing

    Dynetics, a developer of defense/aerospace and IT systems in Huntsville, Alabama said Thursday it plans to add a new R&D and prototyping facility to its current Huntsville location. The company says it expects to hire 350 new workers over three years to staff the facility, but gave no timetable for when construction work begins. The…

  • Agriproducts Manufacturer Plans R&D Expansion

    Kemin Industries in Des Moines, Iowa said the company plans in the next five years to add six new manufacturing facilities, three new research facilities, and a new corporate headquarters building in Des Moines.  The company develops nutritional ingredients for foods, animal feeds, and pharmaceuticals based largely on its own research. The $30 million expansion…

  • Intel to Build New Oregon Plant, Upgrade U.S. Manufacturing

    Intel Corporation said today it will invest between $6 to $8 billion on new manufacturing technology in its American facilities. The plan includes a new fabrication plant — called a “fab” in the industry — in Oregon. As part of the plan, Intel will deploy a new 22-nanometer (nm) manufacturing process in several of its…

  • Biopharm Company Consolidates, Cuts 25% of Workforce

    Halozyme Therapeutics Inc., a biopharmaceutical company in San Diego, California said on Monday it would reduce its new research and development work to concentrate on existing drug products and commitments to pharmaceutical manufacturers. This consolidation will result in the company cutting its workforce by 25 percent. The company’s announcement noted Halozyme Therapeutics will focus its…

  • R&D Spending Creates 11,000+ Jobs in Indiana Since 1999

    An analysis of Indiana’s 21st Century Research and Technology Fund estimates the fund created more than 11,000 jobs since it began in 1999, sparking $427 million in economic activity in the state. Ball State University’s Center for Business and Economic Research in Muncie, Indiana conducted the study. The Indiana General Assembly created the fund in…