Month: July 2010

  • Cellulosic Ethanol Company to Build R&D Center

    The Boston Business Journal reports that Qteros Inc., a Marlborough, Massachusetts company making cellulosic ethanol, will open a new research and development facility in Chicopee, Massachusetts by the end of 2010. CEO John McCarthy tells the Journal the 15,000 square-foot plant will allow for fermentation of biomass on a larger scale than is now possible…

  • Financing Tips from Angel and VC Investors

    The Angel Investor and Early-Stage VC Event in Washington, DC today drew a full house of 125+ entrepreneurs and investors to the K Street law offices of Bingham McCutchen. Participants heard elevator pitches from 15 entrepreneurs, ranging from a day-spa that features exotic destination themes, to a genetics lab seeking funds for a joint…

  • Light posting today

    I will be at the DC Angel Investor and Venture Capital Conference this afternoon. Regular posting will resume tomorrow.

  • Midwest Health Care Venture Funding Flat in 2010

    Venture capital (VC) funding for health care start-up businesses in the U.S. Midwest rose slightly in the first half of 2010, compared to the first half of 2009, according to a report by BioEnterprise, a Cleveland, Ohio organization supporting health care entrepreneurs. In the first half of 2010, VC companies invested $412 million in health…

  • Biotech Company to Partner with Scripps on Parkinson’s Drugs

    Envoy Therapeutics Inc., a drug discovery company in Jupiter, Florida says it has begun a research collaboration with The Scripps Research Institute to identify new drugs for Parkinson’s disease that have greater efficacy and safety compared to current therapies. Using funding provided by Envoy, scientists at the two organizations will apply Scripps-Florida’s screening facilities —…

  • Venture Companies Partner With Texas Technology Start-Up Center

    Ten venture capital companies are taking part in a program to increase access to funding for start-up companies in the North Texas Enterprise Center (NTEC) in Frisco, near Dallas, Texas.  NTEC is a not-for-profit business accelerator, providing services and support to medical technology and clean technology start-up companies. One of the purposes of the program…

  • Max Planck to License Peptide for Cytoskeleton Research

    The Max Planck Society, through its technology transfer affiliate Max Planck Innovation GmbH in Munich, Germany, has awarded an exclusive license for the peptide LifeAct to ibidi GmbH, a provider of cell analysis products, located in Martinsried, Germany. The peptide allows for actin, an important protein in a cell’s cytoskeleton, to be made visible in…

  • Patent Awarded for Technology to Extend Hybrid Battery Life

    AFS Trinity Power Corporation in Bellevue, Washington says it received a patent from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office that allows for the combination of ultracapacitors and other devices on a hybrid vehicle’s drive train. This innovation, says the company, will mean plug-in electric vehicles can run longer on smaller batteries. The patent, says the…

  • Clinical Trial Shows Drug Impact on Fragile X Syndrome

    A drug made by Seaside Therapeutics Inc. of Cambridge, Massachusetts  has shown results controlling symptoms of fragile X syndrome, an inherited disorder known to cause autism. The findings were reported  this past weekend at a meeting of the National Fragile X Foundation. The results of the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 2 clinical trial showed subjects…

  • Collaboration Improves Filters for Storm Water Runoff

    A group of scientists from the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Filtrexx International of Grafton, Ohio, have improved on the methods for removing contaminants from storm water runoff. The runoff from storm water is particularly vulnerable to pollution in industrial areas or near construction sites. Current methods use “filter…