Month: August 2010

  • New Process Produces Iron Without the CO2

    Stuart Licht, a professor of chemistry at George Washington University (GWU) in Washington, D.C., has developed a carbon dioxide-free method of producing iron that uses solar energy and a process of solar conversion. Licht has patented this process, called Solar Thermal Electrochemical Photo (STEP) energy conversion, which offers an alternative to the same basic polluting…

  • Contract Awarded for Microgrid Powered Military Vehicles

    Rapid Electric Vehicles (REV) of Vancouver, Canada received a contract from the U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research Development Engineering Center for four trucks, powered only by electricity, and designed to work with a microgrid, a localized electrical power grid.  The four vehicles will help test a microgrid at Wheeler Air Force Base in Hawaii. The…

  • H1N1 Drug Gets Positive Results in Preclinical Tests

    AVI BioPharma Inc. of Bothell, Washington reported positive results from two preclinical studies evaluating the therapeutic potential of its drug AVI-7100 against a fully virulent pandemic H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu. The results showed statistically significant reductions in average viral titer — a quantitative measure of biological activity in a recombinant virus —…

  • U.S. Using More Renewables, but Less Energy Overall

    U.S. Using More Renewables, but Less Energy Overall

    In 2009, Americans burned less energy overall, but still managed to use more energy from renewable sources, according to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in California. LLNL computes and charts energy consumption annually, using data provided by the Energy Information Administration in the U.S. Department of Energy (see below). LLNL calculates Americans in 2009 consumed…

  • Aileron, Roche to Partner on Peptide Drug Delivery

    Aileron Therapeutics in Cambridge, Massachusetts announced today a partnership with the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche to develop and commercialize a new class of drugs called stapled peptide therapeutics. Roche and Aileron will develop drug candidates with this technology for up to five targets in Roche’s fields of expertise: oncology, virology, inflammation, metabolism, and central nervous…

  • EPA Awards Contract for Waterborne Parasite Antibodies

    Precision Antibody in Columbia, Maryland said today that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded the company a contract to develop monoclonal antibodies to two species of Cryptosporidium — a.k.a “Crypto” — an intestinal parasite and common cause of waterborne illness in the United States. EPA’s contract calls for Precision Antibody to generate specific antibodies…

  • Biotech Researchers Publish Parkinson’s Gene Silencing Data

    Researchers from Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc. in Cambridge, Massachusetts, collaborating with colleagues at research institutes, reported effective silencing of a gene associated with Parkinson’s Disease. The pre-clinical findings were published 11 August in the journal Public Library of Science (PLoS). The researchers silenced the alpha-synuclein gene using an RNA interference (RNAi) therapeutic administered directly to the…

  • Symposium Reports on Open Source Drug Discovery

    A day-long symposium today at the American Chemical Society national meeting in Boston, Massachusetts reports on efforts to lift the secrecy often surrounding drug discovery. This new approach known as open-source drug discovery connects an online worldwide community that collaborates on discovering and developing new drugs. This combination of movement and work program has the…

  • Mass. Start-Up Funding Drops 57% in July

    Early-stage companies based in Massachusetts attracted investments worth some $131.4 million in July 2010, a drop of 57 percent compared to the $307 million raised in June. The number of equity deals also dropped, from 31 in June to 26 in July. The Web site Xconomy reported these findings today based on data from the…

  • Iowa State Awards Research Grants with Economic Potential

    Ten individual researchers and teams at Iowa State University in Ames have received grants to develop technologies and processes with potential to grow the state of Iowa’s economy. The state Board of Regents recently approved the grants, totaling more than 942,000, from this year’s Grow Iowa Values Fund. The largest grant, $120,075, was awarded to…