Month: September 2010

  • Michigan Lithium Ion Battery Plant to Open Today

    A123 Systems, a developer and manufacturer of battery systems, is opening today in Livonia, Michigan a new plant that the company says is the largest lithium ion automotive battery production facility in North America. The plant is expected to expand A123’s manufacturing capabilities by up to 600 megawatt hours per year when fully operational (1…

  • Novo Nordisk to Double China R&D Staff

    Novo Nordisk, a Danish pharmaceutical company, said today it will expand its research and development staff in Beijing, China from 100 to 200 employees by 2015. The additional staff will initially work on new research involving diabetes. The company says its future research scope in China will be broadened to include pharmacological studies other than…

  • Solar Powered Water Purifier Developed for Disaster Relief

    Spectra Watermakers Inc. in San Rafael, California, in collaboration with Trunz Water Systems, a Swiss company, has developed a self-contained water purification unit that can meet the needs of disaster relief efforts, such as those now in action in Pakistan. The Solar Container, as the unit is called, is powered by renewable solar or wind…

  • Russian Weapons-Grade Uranium Converted to Nuclear Fuel

    USEC Inc., a supplier of enriched uranium fuel for commercial nuclear power plants in Bethesda, Maryland, says through its participation in the Megatons to Megawatts program, it has recycled 400 metric tons of weapons-grade uranium from Russia into low enriched uranium used as fuel in commercial nuclear power plants. This conversion of 400 metric tons…

  • Study IDs More Efficient Vaccine Supply Chain Processes

    New research identifies potential processes for drug manufacturers and public health officials to reduce pediatric vaccine supply shortages and still maximize immunity from disease by children. Researchers at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in New York have developed a mathematical framework to better understand the implications of the…

  • Industry Report Lists Anti-Infection Drugs in Pipeline

    The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) released today a report listing 395 new drugs designed to fight infections that are nearing the marketplace. Each of the drugs are either in clinical trials or under review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. More than one-third of the drugs on the PhRMA list —…

  • L’Shana Tovah

    Thursday is Rosh Hashahah, the Jewish New Year — 5771 for those keeping count — so we will not have any items posted tomorrow

  • Consortium to Develop Tissue Sample Platform

    Bioinformatics provider CLC bio in Aarhus, Denmark, with AROS Applied Biotechnology, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, and the Institute of Pathology at Aarhus University Hospital, announced a collaboration to develop a solution for large scale use of formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue in molecular analyses. FFPE tissue samples are invaluable resources for profiling gene expression and…

  • State Grant Awarded for Solar Energy Storage R&D

    SunPower Corp. in San Jose, California has received a $1.8 million grant from the California Public Utilities Commission to research photovoltaic (PV) energy storage for large commercial applications. The grant, awarded from the the California Solar Initiative Research, Development, Deployment and Demonstration program, will establish a pilot program to demonstrate the integration of energy storage…

  • EU Approves New Rules for Lab Animals

    Rules governing the use of animals in scientific experiments are the product of new EU legislation approved today by the European Parliament. The legislation aims for a better balance between animal welfare and the need for research into diseases. EU member states will have two years to comply with new rules that aim to scale…