Month: May 2011

  • Start Up to Develop Nanotech Therapy for Artery Disease

    Vascular Magnetics Inc. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has licensed technology from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to develop treatments for peripheral artery disease (PAD). The company is the hospital’s first commercial spin-off and co-founded by Robert Levy, who conducted the basic research behind the technology. Peripheral arterial disease occurs when plaque builds up in the arteries that…

  • Stem Cells Used to Grow Blood Vessel for Surgery

    Researchers at University of Gothenburg in Sweden created a blood vessel from stem cells and then used it in a successful operation on a 10-year-old girl. Michael Olausson (pictured right) , the surgeon and professor at the Sahlgrenska Academy — the university’s health sciences faculty — created a new connection between the liver and the…

  • U.K. to Fund Sustainable Biofuel By-Product R&D

    A consortium of research funding councils and industry in the U.K. will finance new ways of extracting valuable chemicals from the by-products of brewing grains for ethanol. This call for proposals aims to challenge researchers to find processes that yield chemicals which would otherwise be produced from fossil fuels. The project comes under the Integrated…

  • Fuel Cell Powered Forklifts Built for Demo Project

    A fleet of 30 forklift trucks that run on hydrogen fuel cells are being built and tested for use at ports and loading docks in Europe.  The trucks are being built under the auspices of the HyLIFT-DEMO project, funded by the EU. The 2.5 ton forklifts are being built by the Danish forklift manufacturer Dantruck…

  • Grants Awarded for Biomass Research and Development

    The U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Energy have awarded a new series of grants for research on the production of biofuels and related bio-based products from a variety of biomass sources. The eight project awards — four recipients in the private sector and four university or federal lab projects — total $47 million. Funding is…

  • FDA Approves Staph Bacteria Resistance Test

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today cleared the first test for Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus) infections that can identify whether the bacteria are methicillin resistant (MRSA) or methicillin susceptible (MSSA). The KeyPath MRSA/MSSA Blood Culture Test is made by Microphage Inc. of Longmont, Colorado. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, MRSA is…

  • Neural Network Simulates Human Schizophrenia Symptoms

    A research team from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut and University of Texas in Austin developed a simulation of schizophrenia using a computer network model. Their findings appear in the April issue of the journal Biological Psychiatry (paid subscription required). The researchers used a virtual computer model called a neural network to simulate the…

  • New Technology Promises Faster Drug Candidate Testing

    Scientists at the Universities of Toronto, Stanford, and Columbia have developed a technology called mass cytometry that measures the action and function of candidate prescription drugs faster and on a larger scale. The team’s findings appear this week in the journal Science (paid subscription required). Mass cytometry enables the measurement of up to 100 biomarkers…

  • One Nation, Under Geeks

    Review: Geek Nation by Angela Saini. Hodder & Stoughton (3 Mar 2011). Science writer Angela Saini describes the rise of science and engineering in India in her new book Geek Nation. But if you’re looking for a triumphant Indian victory march you may be disappointed. The book instead offers a sophisticated and nuanced analysis of…

  • Antibody-Based Biosensor Aids Environmental Cleanups

    Researchers at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) in Gloucester Point have built and tested an aquatic sensor device that uses antibodies to detect marine pollutants. The developers of the device published their test results that appear today in the journal Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (paid subscription required). The research team that built the…