Month: August 2011

  • NIH Approves Four More Embryonic Stem Cell Lines

    BioTime Inc. in Alameda, California says it has received approval from National Institutes of Health (NIH) for adding four human embryonic stem (hES) cell lines to the Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry. Two of the company’s hES cell lines are already listed in that registry. All of the lines were developed by Biotime’s subsidiary ES…

  • Microbes Reduced Adverse Impact of BP, Exxon Valdez Spills

    A review of the worst two oil spills in U.S. history shows that oil-degrading microorganisms played a significant role in reducing their overall adverse environmental impacts. The results of the review of the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and Exxon Valdez running aground in Alaska’s Prince William Sound in 1989 are…

  • Monitors to Prevent Elderly Falls Before They Happen

    Grants from the National Science Foundation’s Smart Health and Wellbeing Program are funding development of a sensor-based system to detect the risks of falls by frail elderly people. One of the grants, to Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, will involve collaboration between the school’s engineering and gerontology departments; a smaller grant will fund similar engineering work…

  • Clinical Trial Shows Drug Improves Heart Muscle Functions

    A clinical trial conducted by University of Hull in the U.K. shows the drug omecamtiv mercabil improves the heart’s ability to pump blood in heart failure patients. The findings by Hull cardiology professor John Cleland and colleagues appear in the 20 August issue of the journal The Lancet (paid subscription required). Omecamtiv mercabil is one…

  • Self-Powered Prosthetic Leg Developed, Patented, Licensed

    Vanderbilt University engineers in Nashville have developed a prosthetic lower leg, which allows amputees to walk without the leg-dragging that characterizes conventional artificial legs. The university has patented basic elements of the device’s design, and licensed the technology to a California company for commercial development. The prosthesis is as much an electronic as an assistive…

  • Roche to Build Canadian Pharmaceutical Development Center

    Roche Canada, a division of the global drug company based in Switzerland, says it will build a new pharmaceutical development center at its current site in Mississauga, Ontario near Toronto. The new center, says Roche, involves an investment of $190 million over the next five years, and will add 200 skilled staff. The new center…

  • NSF, Energy Dept to Fund Power Grid Research Center

    National Science Foundation and Department of Energy awarded a grant to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and its partners to establish a new Engineering Research Center for research and education on the nation’s electrical grid infrastructure. The two agencies will invest $18.5 million in the research center over five years. The facility, known as the…

  • Powder-Free Latex Gloves Reduces Latex Allergy Rate

    Researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee have found that stopping the use of powdered latex gloves reduces allergic sensitization to latex among health care workers. The team’s findings appear online in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (paid subscription required). Kevin Kelley, professor of pediatrics and internal medicine, led the Wisconsin…

  • Grants Awarded to Fund Research on Health Records, Genomics

    The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of National Institutes of Health, will fund research on patients’ genomic information linked to disease characteristics and symptoms in their electronic medical records. NHGRI will award grants totaling $25 million over the next four years to seven institutions in the Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) network.…

  • FDA Issues Regulatory Science Modernization Plan

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today released its Strategic Plan for Regulatory Science that calls for modernization of the science used to protect the nation’s food and drug supplies. The plan describes the agency’s intent to improve the ways it develops and evaluates new products and materials, as well as improve the way it…