Month: January 2012

  • Grant to Develop Virtual Reality Job Service for Disabled

    The University of Hawaii in Manoa was awarded a $425,000 grant by the Kessler Foundation to develop a virtual reality (VR) employment orientation and support center using Second Life as a platform for people with disabilities and employers. The university’s College of Education Center on Disability Studies (CDS) will receive a Kessler Signature Employment Grant…

  • Soap Developed with Magnetic Properties

    Researchers at University of Bristol in the U.K. and Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France have developed a soap with iron salts that can be controlled by magnets. The discovery is expected to lead to products useful in cleaning up oil spills at sea, which can be better captured and removed after use than currently available…

  • Novo Nordisk to Add New Diabetes R&D Center in Seattle

    The Danish drug maker Novo Nordisk says it will add a new research facility to study type 1 diabetes in Seattle, Washington. The lab is expected to open this summer and employ 20 researchers on the site of its current inflammation research center. Novo Nordisk says the new lab will conduct translational studies that combine…

  • First Results Show Safety of Stem Cell Eye Transplants

    Early results from two clinical trials show the safety of retinal cells derived from human embryonic stems cells (hESCs) to treat chronic eye diseases. The results from two patients, one in each trial conducted by the biotechnology company Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) in Marlborough, Massachusetts, were published online in the journal The Lancet. The clinical…

  • Comparative Research Institute Agenda Posted for Comment

    The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) today released for comment a draft of its research priorities and agenda, which it says will guide future funding announcements. The institute, established by the 2010 Affordable Care Act (health care reform law) to fund comparative effectiveness and related research, is accepting comments on the document through 15 March…

  • Process IDs Rice Traits to Help Tsunami-Hit Rice Growers

    A collaboration between scientists in Japan and the U.K. is developing methods to identify genetic markers that can help cut the time needed to breed salt-tolerant and shorter rice to help Japanese growers recover from the tsunami in March 2011. The new process, called MutMap, is described online in the journal Nature Biotechnology (paid subscription…

  • U.S. VC Investments Up for 2011, Flat for Science Companies

    Venture capital (VC) investors in the U.S. increased in 2011 compared to 2010, both in terms of numbers of deals and amount of money invested. However, the fourth quarter of the year was an unusually slow period, according to Dow Jones VentureSource that compiled the data, and consumer Web companies appeared to benefit from the…

  • High Levels of MRSA Found in Retail Pork Products

    Researchers at University of Iowa College of Public Health and Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy in Minneapolis have found a higher prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (MRSA) in U.S. pork products than previously identified. The team’s findings appear in the online journal PLoS One. MRSA is a serious bacteria, causing infections resistant to…

  • Industrial Robotics Software Repository Established

    Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in San Antonio has set up a repository of software routines for industrial automation that work under the Robot Operating System. The software collection of tools, libraries, and drivers is publicly accessible and licensed under the open-source Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) license. The Robot Operating System (ROS) provides functions and routines…

  • Antimicrobial Scrubs Can Help Reduce MRSA Risk to Patients

    A Virginia Commonwealth University research team in Richmond has found that hospital scrubs impregnated with antimicrobial compounds, along with good hand hygiene, can reduce the burden of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) on health care workers’ apparel and help decrease the risk of MRSA transmission to patients. Their findings appear online the journal Infection Control and…