Month: April 2012

  • DNA Sequencing Extended to Cancer Treatment Decisions

    Medical researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have adapted DNA sequencing technology to map the genetic evolution of disease and monitor response to treatment. Up to now, researchers have used genomic sequencing to identify mutations at the root of a patient’s tumor, but that technology can also help guide treatment decisions, according to Elaine…

  • Biotech Secures $25 Million in Series B Financing

    AlloCure Inc., a privately-held biotechnology company in Burlington, Massachusetts, says it has closed a $25 million deal for series B venture financing. The series B round — the second financing installment after initial start-up — includes new syndicate member Lundbeckfond Ventures, as well as previous investors SV Life Sciences and Novo A/S. The company is…

  • Study Urges Deep Cut in Forage Fish Catch

    A task force of 13 environmental and marine researchers from North America, Australia, Europe, and South Africa recommends reducing the global catch of herring, anchovy, and other forage fish to maintain the ocean ecosystem and sustain supplies of larger commercial species. A report from the Lenfest Forage Fish Task Force, based at Stony Brook University…