Month: May 2012

  • Cancer Stem Cell Drug Screening Chip Developed

    Researchers at the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN) in Singapore have developed a miniaturized biochip for investigating the effect of drugs on cancer stem cells. The findings of the team led by IBN executive director Jackie Ying appears the journal Nano Today, and the technology is being commercialized by a spin-off company from the…

  • HHS Awards First Health Care Innovation Awards

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services revealed the first group of universities, companies, and medical centers to receive Health Care Innovation awards. The three-year cooperative agreements, authorized by the Affordable Care Act, total $122.6 million and are administered through HHS’s Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. The department says the 26 awardees were…

  • UC-Davis Incubator Spins Off Audio Technology Company

    The business incubator at the University of California in Davis engineering school says an audio technology company is the incubator’s first spin-off to gain funding and begin doing business on its own. Dysonics, founded by emeritus engineering professor Ralph Algazi and colleagues at UC-Davis, is commercializing research conducted in Algazi’s labs. Dysonics plans to develop…

  • Energy Institute Unveils Prototype Alternative Battery

    The CUNY Energy Institute, part of City University of New York, has built an operating prototype zinc anode battery system, as an alternative to traditional nickel-cadmium batteries. The institute plans to start a company to commercialize the technology later in the year. The battery project is led by engineering professor and institute director Sanjoy Banerjee…

  • Biotech Lands $20M Series A Funds for Protein Therapies

    Eleven Biotherapeutics in Cambridge, Massachusetts has secured an additional $20 million in series A funds, the first round of investment financing after initial start-up. A new investor, JAFCO Company Ltd in Tokyo, joins existing investors Third Rock Ventures and Flagship Ventures in the deal. Eleven Biotherapeutics is expected to use the proceeds from the financing…

  • Investors to Back Start-Ups That Cut Health Care Costs

    The Paliwoda Group in New York has started a new investment fund that plans to support early-stage companies with solutions aimed at cutting the costs of health care. The company’s Health Tech Fund is now accepting proposals on its Web site. The Health Tech Fund plans to invest in early-stage companies with projects having the…

  • U.S. Obesity Rate Expected to Rise to 42% by 2030

    Public health researchers at Duke University, RTI International in North Carolina, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention forecast that by 2030, the percentage of Americans considered obese is expected to rise by a third, with adverse health and financial implications. The team’s findings appear today online in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.…

  • Early Trial Results Indicate Cystic Fibrosis Drug Efficacy

    Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. in Cambridge, Massachusetts says interim data from a clinical trial of its cystic fibrosis drugs point to improved lung function among patients who took the drugs. The results reported from the trial were for patients with two copies of the most common mutation of the cystic fibrosis regulator gene. The phase 2…

  • Genomic Test Developed for ADHD Drug Decisions

    AssureRx Health Inc. in Mason, Ohio has developed a test to help clinicians prescribe the appropriate medications for patients — both children and adults — with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The test, called GeneSightRx ADHD, gauges genomic differences in the way different patients would tolerate ADHD medications. Understanding a patient’s unique genomic composition may…

  • Challenge Seeks Solution for Tracking Electronic Waste

    A challenge on InnoCentive seeks solutions for tracking shipments of used electronic components and subsystems and ensuring that they are disposed responsibly. The crowd-sourced contest will award prizes totaling $10,000 and has a deadline extended to 3 June 2012. The challenge is co-sponsored by IT services company EMC Corporation and the Environmental Defense Fund. Participants…