Month: January 2013

  • Sanford-Burnham, Intrexon to Partner on Stem Cell Technology

    Intrexon Corporation in Germantown, Maryland and Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute in La Jolla, California will collaborate on research with induced pluripotent stem cells. The deal gives Sanford-Burnham access to Intrexon’s latest stem cell processing technology in exchange for commercial and intellectual property rights to technological advances under the agreement. Financial aspects of the deal were…

  • U.S. Industrial Companies Plan More 2013 R&D Spending

    Manufacturers in the U.S. expect to make research and development investments in 2013 at the same or higher levels as in 2012, according to a survey by Industrial Research Institute conducted last summer. The annual survey covered 141 medium and large companies mainly in chemicals, advanced materials, gases, food, industrial machinery, and consumer products. Industrial…

  • Patient-Doctor Communication Linked to Patients Taking Meds

    Medical researchers at University of California in San Francisco and the health plan Kaiser Permanente found patients who feel their doctors involve them in decisions and understand their problems are more likely to take their medications as prescribed. The team that included researchers from University of Washington in Seattle, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Veterans…

  • Mergers, IPOs for Venture-Backed Companies Down in 2012

    Initial public offerings (IPOs) and mergers and acquisitions (M&As) of venture-backed companies in the U.S. declined overall in 2012 and in the last quarter of the year. Financial industry analytics service Dow Jones VentureSource says the Facebook IPO in May 2012 influenced much of the activity and money raised during the year. During 2012, a…

  • U.S. Patent Issued for Anti-Super Bug Disinfectant

    Quick-Med Technologies Inc. in Gainesville, Florida received a patent for its antimicrobial disinfectant technology designed to combat drug-resistant bacteria in medical applications. Patent number 8,343,523 was awarded yesterday by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to three inventors, including William Toreki, Quick-Med’s vice- president for research and development. The patent covers the composition and methods…

  • Top 10 Science Business Stories for 2012

    We continue our David Letterman-style practice of posting a top 10 list of the most visited stories for the recently completed year. In 2012, Science Business received some 64,000 visits from 54,200 unique visitors, increases of 49 and 46 percent respectively compared to 2011. We are most humbled and grateful for your time and attention.…