Month: June 2015

  • Environmental Sensor Developer Reveals Collaborations

    30 June 2015. Aclima Inc., a designer of environmental monitoring sensors and networks, unveiled today collaborations with Google Inc., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, among others. The San Francisco company, operating with little publicity for long as 5 years, did not disclose financial details from any of these partnerships. Aclima Inc.…

  • Juno, Celgene Partner in $1 Billion Immunotherapy Deal

    30 June 2015. Biotechnology company Juno Therapeutics Inc. and biopharmaceutical developer Celgene Corp. are collaborating on therapies that harness the immune system to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases over the next 10 years. The agreement is expected to bring Juno nearly $1 billion from Celgene in upfront payments and stock purchases. Juno Therapeutics, headquartered in…

  • Patient Registry Started for Rare Genetic Disorder

    29 June 2015. A registry of families with individuals having Sjögren-Larsson syndrome aims to systematically collect data about families’ experiences with the disease and provide a source of participants for clinical trials of therapies. The registry is being formed by the National Organization for Rare Disorders and Sjögren-Larsson Syndrome Network Community. Sjögren-Larsson Syndrome, or SLS,…

  • Novartis Acquires Pain Medication Developer in $200M Deal

    29 June 2015. Global pharmaceutical company Novartis is acquiring Spinifex Pharmaceuticals Inc., a developer of new types of therapies for neuropathic pain. Spinifex reports Novartis is paying $200 million in cash for the company — based in Stamford, Connecticut and Melbourne, Australia — as well as undisclosed future milestone payments. Spinifex Pharmaceuticals develops therapies for…

  • Rare Disease Therapy Company Raises $60 Million in IPO

    26 June 2015. Catabasis Pharmaceuticals Inc., a biotechnology company creating treatments for rare diseases and cholesterol-related disorders, is raising $60 million in its initial public stock offering, trading on the Nasdaq exchange under the symbol CATB. The Cambridge, Massachusetts enterprise yesterday priced its 5 million shares at $12.00, and as of 4:00 pm today is…

  • Point-of-Care Ebola Test Found Accurate in Field Test

    26 June 2015. A commercial point-of-care test detecting Ebola virus in the blood of a patient was shown in a field test in Sierra Leone to be as accurate as tests sent to remote labs for analysis. Results of the study led by Nira Pollock of Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital were published…

  • Study Testing Sleep Rhythm Glasses for Cancer Insomnia

    25 June 2015. Special eyeglasses that adjust circadian rhythms of people with sleep disorders are being tested as a treatment for lung cancer patients with chronic insomnia. The study, led by University at Buffalo (New York) nursing professor Grace Dean, is funded by a $25,000 grant from Oncology Nursing Society. Insomnia is a common problem…

  • Trial Shows Safety, Benefits of Diabetic Eye Disease Drug

    25 June 2015. An early-stage clinical trial of a drug to treat eye disorders caused by diabetes shows the drug is well-tolerated and reduces swelling in the eye associated with the disease. Stealth BioTherapeutics, developer of the drug brand-named Ocuvia, reported the results today at a company symposium in New York City. The study is…

  • Broad, Google Partner on Genomic Analysis Platform

    24 June 2015. The Broad Institute, a molecular medicine research organization affiliated with Harvard University and MIT, and Google Genomics are collaborating to offer a readily-available cloud-based analysis platform for genomic data. Financial aspects of the agreement between Broad Institute — officially Eli and Edythe L. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard — and Google…

  • Smartphone Eye Exam Company Raises $6M in Venture Funds

    24 June 2015. Smart Vision Labs Inc., a two-year-old company developing vision exam technology that works on smartphones, raised $6.1 million in its first venture funding round. Financing for the New York City enterprise was led by Techstars Ventures, with contributions from Heritage Group, Connectivity Capital, and Red Sea Ventures. The company’s technology aims to…