Month: November 2015

  • Wearable Asthma Trigger Detector in Development

    4 November 2015. A wearable device that detects conditions triggering asthma attacks in children is being developed by a team of engineers and behavioral scientists. The four-year project brings together sensor designers at University of Maryland-Baltimore County and psychologists at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, funded by a $2 million grant from National Institute of…

  • 3-D Printing Devised for Blood Vessel Implants

    3 November 2015. A medical and engineering team developed a technique for three-dimensional printing of blood vessels that deliver oxygen and nutrients quickly to regenerated tissue. Researchers from Rice University in Houston and University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia published a description of their work in a recent issue of the journal Tissue Engineering Part C:…

  • Artificial Kidney Implant Gains $6 Million Funding

    3 November 2015. A collaboration of engineering and medical researchers is developing an implantable artificial kidney to reduce the need for dialysis in people with kidney failure awaiting a transplant. The four-year project combining teams from University of California in San Francisco with Vanderbilt University in Nashville, is funded by a $6 million grant from…

  • Technique Developed to Extend Peptide Lifetimes

    3 November 2015. A pharmacy lab at University of the Pacific developed a technique for extending the longevity of peptides, short amino acid chains found in many biologic drugs. The discovery from the lab of pharmacy professor Mamoun Alhamadsheh is described in this month’s issue of Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, and earlier in Nature Chemical…

  • Computer Model Devised to Predict Drug Side Effects

    2 November 2015. A systems biology lab developed a prototype computer model that can test for potential side effects of drugs from an individual’s blood sample. The team led by bioengineering professor Bernhard Palsson at University of California in San Diego published its proof-of-concept results last week in the journal Cell Systems. Palsson and first…

  • Trial Testing MRI Depression Treatment with Teens

    2 November 2015. A new clinical trial is recruiting adolescents with major depressive disorder to test a therapy using magnetic resonance imaging impulses. The study is testing the NeuroStar TMS Therapy System, already approved for adult patients with major depressive disorder who do not respond to medications. Depression is a widespread condition, which when it becomes…