Month: January 2016

  • Students Design Pad to Collect Urinary Infection Samples

    14 January 2016. A team at Hebrew University in Jerusalem designed a microfiber pad to improve collection of urine samples from people with urinary tract infections. Graduate students from a number of disciplines developed the pad under in the Israeli university’s Biodesign medical innovation program. Infections can occur anywhere in the urinary tract, but happen…

  • Yahoo Releases User Interaction Data for Machine Learning

    14 January 2016. The online company Yahoo is releasing an extensive data set of individual user interactions with some of its popular services to the academic community as raw material for studies of machine learning. The de-identified data sets will be part of Yahoo’s Webscope reference library offered to academic researchers. The data sets cover…

  • Boehringer, Arena to Discover Neurological Drugs

    13 January 2016. Pharmaceutical companies Boehringer Ingelheim and Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc. are collaborating on discovery of new therapies for schizophrenia and other neurological disorders. The partnership could bring Arena, in San Diego, as much as $262 million. Arena Pharmaceuticals is a biopharmaceutical company developing therapies for disorders related to G protein-coupled receptors, or GPCRs, proteins…

  • Smart Pills Detect, Measure Gases in Gut

    13 January 2016. A team at RMIT University in Australia developed a device, swallowed like a pill, that measures gas concentrations in the intestine and sends its data to an outside receiver. Proof-of-concept results from tests with pigs appear in the January 2016 issue of the journal Gastroenterology. Researchers led by RMIT engineering professor Kourosh…

  • Gates Funding RNA Treatment for HIV Infection

    12 January 2016. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is backing a biotechnology company’s early development of antibodies to treat human immunodeficiency virus or HIV based on RNA, nucleic acids expressed by a person’s genetic code. The foundation is supporting the work of Moderna Therapeutics, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with an initial $20 million grant, and…

  • Zika Virus Genome Sequenced

    12 January 2016. A team from Institut Pasteur in French Guiana sequenced the complete genome of the Zika virus, a mosquito-borne pathogen causing disease outbreaks in tropical regions, including the Americas. Findings from the analysis appeared last week in the journal The Lancet. The Zika virus causes fever, with rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis, also…

  • Trials Show Safety, Benefit of Stem Cells to Treat ALS

    11 January 2016. Two clinical trials testing stem cells to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, found the treatments are safe for patients, and can slow progression of the disease. Results of the trials testing the stem cell product known as NurOwn made by BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics in Petach Tikvah, Israel  are reported today in…

  • Juno Acquires Biotech, Licenses Cell Sequencing Tech

    11 January 2016. Juno Therapeutics is gaining single-cell sequencing technology for cancer immunotherapies through the buy-out of biotechnology company AbVitro Inc., and licensing part of that technology to pharmaceutical company Celgene Corp. The AbVitro acquisition is valued at about $125 million, while financial details of the licensing deal with Celgene are not disclosed. Juno Therapeutics,…

  • Grünenthal Group to Commercialize Duchenne Therapy

    8 January 2015. Grünenthal Group, a German pharmaceutical company, is licensing a treatment candidate for Duchenne muscular dystrophy developed by Akashi Therapeutics, a biopharmaceutical company created by organizations advocating for research on the disease. While full financial details of the agreement were not disclosed, Grünenthal says it’s committing more than $100 million to the venture.…

  • Biotechs to Develop Antibody Therapies, Explore Merger

    8 January 2016. Two biotechnology companies in Vancouver agreed to collaborate on developing antibody treatments for cancer, with an option to merge their enterprises later on. The deal calls for Zymeworks Inc. to make an undisclosed equity investment in Kairos Therapeutics Inc. Zymeworks is also receiving $US 61.5 million in its first venture funding round.…