Month: March 2018
Crispr Enhanced to Find, Edit Tiny Mutations
A bioengineering lab at Harvard University designed a refinement for genome editing to identify and remove small genetic mutations that can lead to diseases or organisms resistant to current drugs.
Nerve Stimulation Device Being Tested for Arthritis
A device sending electrical pulses through a main nerve pathway is starting a clinical trial to test the device in people with rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease affecting joints and surrounding tissue.
Infographic – Fastest Job Growth Seen in Health, Tech
We report on business developments in areas affected by science that includes many aspects of health care and information technology, and which according to a chart released this week by Statista account for the jobs with the fastest growth in the U.S. during the past 10 years.
Plug The Holes In Your Business Security Right Now
Are there holes in your security? Is there more that you can do to protect your assets and indeed the interests of your customers?
Analysis Reveals Ransomware Payment, Support Networks
In a two-year study, engineers and computer scientists trace the networks used by perpetrators to break in, encrypt, and hold for ransom the contents of personal or business computer systems, a growing form of cyber attack.
High False-Positive Rate Found in Consumer Genetic Tests
Follow-up reviews of results from direct-to-consumer genetic tests show 40 percent of the actionable gene variations reported in the tests, including some indicating disease risk, were erroneous.
Weather and The Impact It Can Have on Your Business
While weather can be good for business, in a lot of instances the weather can be detrimental. So the key for your business is to know how the weather and climate could impact it.
Immune Disease Precision Therapy Company Starts Up
An enterprise to discover biomarkers and precise treatments for individuals with immune system disorders is starting up, founded by six researchers in the U.S. and Europe.
Hospital Costs Lead to Fewer Bankruptcies Than Thought
An analysis of medical records and financial data show bankruptcies from costs of hospitalization occur less often than anticipated, but health care expenses overall have other long-term negative effects on personal finances.
Follow The Leader : The Skills And Qualities Of A Good Boss
Check out our guide that includes skills and qualities that can be learned and developed to turn mediocre bosses into the best leaders they can be.