Month: February 2021
Infographic – Half of US Public Still Not Taking Vaccine
A YouGov survey this month shows half of the respondents (49%) do not plan to take the vaccine or are not sure.
Other Vaccinations Shown to Help Prevent Covid-19
An analysis of health records suggests people vaccinated earlier against childhood and adult infectious diseases are also less likely to contract Covid-19.
Trial Shows Home Mosquito Device Cuts Malaria Cases
A clinical trial shows homes installed with devices that attract then kill mosquitos have fewer malaria cases than homes with standard preventions.
Tech Companies Partner on Covid-19 Breath Test
A maker of diagnostics that examine exhaled breath and an artificial intelligence chip provider are developing a simple breath test for Covid-19 infections.
AI Process Discovers, Tests Fibrosis Drug in 18 Months
A provider of drug discovery services based on artificial intelligence says in 18 months it identified and tested in mice a new drug for a chronic lung disease.
Synthetic RNA Start-Up Gains $80M in Early Funds
A start-up company, spun off from a biomedical engineering lab at MIT, is raising $80 million for therapies made from synthetic circular RNA.
Gene-Editing Biotech Acquires DNA Bar Code Company
A developer of therapies using highly precise gene editing is acquiring a company delivering gene therapies identified with DNA bar codes.
What Happens When Property is Sold in Malaysia?
There are things to understand about Malaysia’s property market, mainly relating to taxes and selling your properties.
ALS Trial Results Deemed Insufficient for FDA Approval
An ALS treatment developer says the Food and Drug Administration advised the company’s clinical trial data would likely not support approval for patient use.
FDA Issues Covid-19 Variant Regulatory Guidance
Food and Drug Administration is updating its regulatory guidance for Covid-19 drugs and diagnostics to cover emerging mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 virus.