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Oracle Unveils Internet-Based Clinical Trial Services

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The global software company Oracle has revealed two new Internet cloud-based services aimed at improving clinical trial design and recruitment. The services are expected to be announced today at DIA 2012, a medical products industry meeting in Philadelphia.

Oracle says the two applications — Health Sciences Protocol Validator and Health Sciences Patient Recruiter — will make it possible for clinical researchers to determine the feasibility of trial protocols, identify patient cohorts, and recruit patients for clinical studies faster than before, based on clinical and genomic characteristics. The company says that these services are built on a secure, HIPAA-certified cloud-based system to help ensure patient privacy and data security.

Oracle says its Health Sciences Protocol Validator can speed and ease the process of testing the feasibility of proposed clinical trial protocols by giving trial designers access to longitudinal clinical information across one or more participating health care providers. The service can screen all patient candidates based on the therapy’s clinical requirements and receive counts of potential participants. Oracle says the service can relieve trial designers of one-off data collection and integration tasks, which can take many months.

The Health Sciences Patient Recruiter, says Oracle, makes it possible for clinical trial sponsors to securely share final, approved protocols with networked testing sites to recruit participants. Institutions taking part in Oracle’s network will also be able to see the latest available trials and therapies being tested, which the company says will encourage more informed decision-making by patients and physicians.

The company says the two services are the first pieces in its Health Sciences Network, in which Wisconsin-based Aurora Health Care and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center are taking part, and have been collaborators. Oracle is also working with the Partnership to Advance Clinical Electronic Research (PACeR), a New York-based consortium of health care providers, academic research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and technology providers.

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