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University at Buffalo to Close Shale Research Center

Natural gas wells (Alfred Eustes, Colorado School of Mines)
Natural gas wells (Alfred Eustes, Colorado School of Mines)

The president of University at Buffalo in New York closed an industry-funded research institute doing studies on shale gas. Satish Tripathi announced the decision to close the Shale Resources and Society Institute yesterday in an open letter to the university community.

In the letter, Tripathi said the university’s geographic proximity to large shale deposits holding natural gas, as well as “extensive faculty expertise in issues related to energy, water, and the environment” gave the university ample reason to conduct research on the issue. He also noted, “conducting research that has such profound environmental, societal, public health, and economic implications requires that we adhere to the utmost standards of academic integrity and transparency.”

Tripathi cited the lack of clarity in disclosing sources of financial support for the institute as a key reason for its closing. “Conflicts-both actual and perceived- can arise between sources of research funding and expectations of independence when reporting research results,” said Tripathi. “This, in turn, impacted the appearance of independence and integrity of the institute’s research.”

He mentioned in particular a May 2012 report that led to allegations questioning if financial interests influenced the authors’ conclusions. The New York Times reports that the study on shale gas drilling in Pensylvania, had been challenged by a local watchdog group, particularly over the lack of disclosure about the authors that had industry connections.

Tripathi also listed the lack of “sufficient faculty presence in fields associated with energy production from shale for the institute to meet its stated mission” as a reason for closing the institute. A university statement said the decision to close the institute would take place immediately.

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