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Canada Awards Grants to Solar Energy and Genomics Companies

National Research Council of Canada, through its Industrial Research Assistance Program, awarded grants to Boreal Genomics Inc. of Vancouver, British Columbia, and Day4 Energy Inc. of Burnaby, British Columbia. The grants, totaling $CAD769,000, were awarded to support research and development projects that build high-tech solutions for global markets.

Day4 Energy received $496,000 to develop a new photovoltaic cell and module that will decrease manufacturing costs, while increasing efficiency. The new cell and module are expected to help bring solar energy closer to cost parity with conventional energy.

The grant to Boreal Genomics of $273,000 will help develop a new technology that can search for specific diseased DNA codes in blood or environmental samples. This technology will enable the company to develop new portable instruments for disease and cancer detection, allowing rapid diagnosis in hospitals and doctors’ offices.

The NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program provides technical and business-oriented advisory services as well as financial support to qualified innovative Canadian small and medium-sized businesses.


