27 August 2015. Allied-Bristol Life Sciences, a joint venture of science commercialization company Allied Minds and Bristol-Myers Squibb, is licensing a new type of synthetic chemistry technology from Yale University that can stimulate the immune system to treat cancer. Financial details of the licensing agreement were not disclosed.
The agreement covers a technology known as antibody recruiting molecules developed in the lab of Yale chemistry professor David Spiegel. Antibody recruiting molecules are based on low molecular weight or small molecule species that recognize and bind to antibodies in the body’s immune system, which then target specific proteins that act as signatures for diseases. Spiegel and colleagues are investigating this technology for its potential to treat bacterial and viral pathogens, as well as cancer.
Spiegel’s technology offers some potential improvements over current immunotherapy techniques that require intravenous infusions and run a risk of inducing unwanted immune-system reactions. Allied-Minds says therapies based on antibody recruiting molecules can be produced less expensively and targeted more precisely, reducing chances for adverse immune-system reactions.
Satish Jindal, CEO of Allied-Bristol says in a company statement, “This innovative university technology and associated lead molecules are at the ideal stage that we are seeking, where we can bring to bear the drug discovery and development expertise of ABLS and its partners to accelerate therapies to the clinic.”
Allied-Bristol Life Sciences or ABLS is a venture of Allied Minds and pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb that finds promising research in academic labs, and forms new enterprises to develop those discoveries from early feasibility stages to preclinical therapy candidates. This subsidiary would be the second spin-off created from the partnership. In June, Science & Enterprise reported on a licensing deal between Allied-Bristol and Harvard University for research on the actions of a Chinese root extract with therapeutic potential against fibrosis, inflammation, and autoimmune disorders.
Allied Minds acts as a holding company for science and technology-based start-ups in the U.S. The company forms new businesses based on research conducted in the U.S. at university and federally sponsored labs. Allied Minds then provides funding and management for the new enterprises through their initial stages. The company says it has relationships with 33 universities and 32 labs and research centers affiliated with the U.S. defense and energy departments.
Read more:
- Antibodies to Treat Cancer Complication Licensed to Pharma
- Pharma Licenses University Antibiotic Enhancements
- Bristol-Myers Squibb, S.C. Med School Partner on Fibrosis
- Univ. of Arizona Spin-Off Licenses Cancer Therapy
- Allied-Bristol Licenses Chinese Root Extract Technology
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