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Tailored Training Modules Developed for Truck Drivers

Diesel truck (PRA/Wikimedia Commons)
(PRA/Wikimedia Commons)

Long-haul truckers are responsible for their heavy-duty rigs, expensive cargos, and managing an increasingly complex array of technology to get safely to their destinations. But the demands and economics of their jobs make it difficult for even the most professional of truck drivers to keep their skills sharp.

A project underway in Germany by the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology in Sankt Augustin is developing training materials for truck drivers with technologies they already use in their jobs: smart phone, tablet computer, or laptop. The goal is to fit the training to the needs and constraints of the job, which for truck drivers means during breaks or — for audio discussions — while on the road.

The project, called LogiAssist, tailors the training modules to the individual needs of the drivers. The content, developed by Franuhofer researchers with logistics and training experts, is not only designed for the trucking industry, but can also take into account the driver’s prior knowledge, type of vehicle, nature of the loads, or the route.

LogiAssist makes use of a larger EU initiative called ROLE, short for Responsive Open Learning Environments. ROLE provides a framework, including standards, for meeting individualized training and development needs of a range of industries and occupational categories.

The LogiAssist content can be drawn from ready-made tools, operated with familiar software such as browsers and search engines. People can also learn in groups and contact other participants on the online course by chat program, Outlook, or Skype. The individualized learning environment is designed to let users use media that meet their preferences or constraints. Some trainees, for example, may choose to take the course on screen using documents, while others will select course units presented on on their cell phones as a video sequence or audio file.

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