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Clever Smartphone Software, Boldly Going Where No Phone Has Gone Before

– Contributed content –

31 August 2017. Smartphone software changes fast these days. Really fast. So to keep up with it read about the latest developments below. Where phones are boldly going, where no phone has gone before.

White smartphone
(kote baeza,


Doctor's labcoat
(Darko Stojanovic, Pixabay)

One area of innovation in smartphone software to be aware of is the medical field. In fact, there are so many applications for this,  it’s set to become a booming industry. Of course, we already have the video doctors apps that allow you to talk face to face with a medical professional at a time convenient to you. They have long opening hours, and often offer appointments straight away, so they are brilliant if you aren’t feeling too good, but still have a heavy schedule, as you can fit in an appointment that fits in with your day. Perfect for the instant gratification, no wait generation!

White smartphone
(Negative Space, Pexels)

OK, the downside is that of course, you can’t get an actual physical exam via these apps at the moment. As well as the fact that they do sound little like a hypochondriac’s’ dream, but as you are paying for the service how you use it is really up to you. Remember too that there definitely groups of people like new moms, and working moms that would definitely benefit from this technology.

Another type of software specifically for phones that herald a bright future in the medical field is the UK developed electrocardiogram app.

Electrocardiogram readout
(Stux, Pixabay)

This is an app that comes with an additional piece of hardware, on which you place two fingers of each hand. This is then used for taking the measurements that the software can analyze to assess how healthy your heart is, and whether there is a problem that needs looking into further. Something that has the potential to both save and improve lives, and offer a service that is only available in hospitals at the current time.


Another piece of clever smartphone software that you need to be aware of is related to the business field. It’s a type of software run by programmatic advertising companies that allows marketers to bid in real time for ad space that is matched to a target audience.

This is a big deal in business terms because much of the focus of modern digital marketing campaigns is getting the message out to the right people. This software allows you to both choose and value each impression on offer, so making it easier to reach the right folks and keep within your set budget. Which can only mean good things for the efficacy of your marketing, as well as the associated rise in profits you would expect.

Gesture control

OK sign from smartphone
(Tero Vesalainen, Pixabay)

Gesture control software for smartphones is still in its infancy at the moment, with bumps and voice commands. However, that doesn’t mean it’s going to stay that way.  In fact, there are already companies working on more detailed and accurate gesture control software for devices such as TV and entertainment systems. Of course, once it’s embedded in these devices, then it’s only a matter of time before it reaches smartphone. Meaning a small hovering hand gesture over our phone will simultaneously text Aunt Mabel and order us a pizza!

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