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Turning Your Small Product into a Big Business

– Contributed content –

Doodling in notebook
(Raw Pixel, Pixabay)

12 March 2018. It might be hard to believe, but most big businesses out there started as a small idea. Huge fast food chains often start with one recipe or one idea. Drinks manufacturers don’t start with a vast range. They start with one product. Designers often start with one idea, which they then expand upon. Very few businesses start with hundreds of ideas and products, and even those that do may have many, many failures before they hit on that one idea that’s going to be a success.

Even the smallest of products can turn into massive businesses. Just look at this springs manufacturer, and now that it’s easier than ever to start up online, there’s nothing to stop you turning your small product, or a small idea, into a big business. Here’s what you need to do.

Develop that one idea

If you’ve got one product or service that you think could do well, don’t just create it and start selling on eBay. Take your time to develop your idea so that you are launching with something great, not just a random product.

Start by looking at your market. Does your product have any direct competition? If so, you need to do it better or cheaper. Think of how you can do this. Then, spend time developing and creating to get it just right. Then, research again. Take it into focus groups and get some feedback before going back to the drawing board. Take your time and get it right, instead of just throwing a half-baked idea out there.

Build your brand

One of the best ways to grow your business and sell well straight away is by creating a brand before you even launch. You’ll be more memorable, people will want to work with you, and the market will take you seriously. Work on designs and a professional logo. Start thinking of yourself as a brand, even if it’s just you making products in your shed.

Launch a website

If you want to be taken seriously, and you hope to make it big one day, act like you are big now. You’ve got a great product and memorable branding; now you need a professional website and an online presence. This is the best way to sell your products and reach a wider audience. It’s also a great way to go global without actually having to go anywhere. Look at all of your favorite online shops for ideas, but always remember to test it out first to make sure it works well as well as looking great.

Take it slowly

A common mistake many new businesses make is trying to expand too quickly. They launch as many products and offshoots as they can trying to flood the market. They get carried away and try to do too much too fast, without giving anything their full focus. Take your time. Do things right, get feedback and make changes, then get some more feedback. When you feel like you’ve found your feet and you are doing well, start expanding. What’s the rush?

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