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Surprising Similarities Between Running A Vet’s Surgery and a Healthcare Clinic

– Contributed content –

Medical gear
(Rawpixel, Pixabay)

12 April 2018. At first glance, the idea of a healthcare clinic and a veterinary surgery being similar to one another seems absurd. As much as people love their pets, surely there is no true comparison between the two?

When viewed on the surface, then no, veterinary surgeries and healthcare clinics don’t have a lot in common. However, if you step back from the actual work that they are performing with patients, you can see that these two very different types of business likely have more in common than you’d think.

Both experience issues with payment

Both healthcare clinics and vet surgeries have to deal with collections at some point in their organizational cycle. Medical care — be it for an animal or a human — is expensive, and some people simply don’t have the means to pay. Both types of business will need to deal with debt recovery at some point, which can complicate the general operations of their day-to-day practice.

Specialist software makes management and compliance easier for both

Whether it’s healthcare clinic software that allows the business to ensure HIPAA compliance or specific software for veterinarians, the necessity for the right tools is clear. To ensure they can offer maximum protection to their patients, both of these businesses have to invest in specialist medicalized software that focuses on record-keeping and secure ease of access.

Both businesses rely on technological innovation

When it comes to choosing a healthcare clinic or a vet, patients (or the owners of patients!) are inclined to ensure they choose the best of the best. For both types of businesses, this tends to mean that they look for technological innovation— any equipment that can speed up diagnosis or offer a better prognosis is therefore an asset. This means that both vets and healthcare clinics often have to invest heavily in the latest technology, which helps to explain why the running costs for both businesses tend to be higher than average.

Missed appointments are a serious issue for both businesses

Most people know that missed appointments cost the healthcare service money, but the problem is just as profound for veterinary clinics. This issue of missed appointments is a huge problem for both types of business, further uniting them in operational terms. Increased public awareness of the true cost of missed appointments could benefit both these business types exponentially.

Clinical staff can be rated online

It may not be popular with doctors and vets, but their professions mean that their skills can be “ranked” online. While this kind of system is subject to a huge amount of debate, it does lead to more informed patients and owners, which is broadly accepted to be a good thing.

In conclusion

The types of work that vets and doctors do are a world apart from one another, but in terms of how their businesses operate, there are more than a few similarities. It just goes to show that healthcare is healthcare— the species of the patient, in terms of business operations, is not particularly important!

Puppy at vet
(12019, Pixabay)

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