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Five Things You Should Consider Outsourcing When Running a Research Lab

– Contributed content –

Research lab
(filexioncool, Pixabay)

19 May 2018. In case you operate in an industry that heavily relies on research and development, it is important that you keep your costs down and learn to delegate some of the tasks associated with running a research lab. From financial management to publication and information sharing, there are plenty of things you’d rather not do to focus on developing new patents and innovative solutions for your clients. Below you will find a few things you should consider outsourcing.

Apprenticeship management

When you run a research facility, you might be collaborating with local universities and colleges to share the facilities and knowledge. This is a great way of saving money and taking advantage of the latest technologies and the best talent. If you plan to employ apprentices from the university, it is important that you appoint a liaison officer who looks after the students and negotiates with the higher education institutions.

Equipment sourcing

You don’t want to search for the best lab equipment and safety clothing, as this takes too much time. You can get a company to do it for you. Simply create a list of the things you will need on a regular basis, and they will be delivering the tools and lab equipment on demand. You can save money and time by outsourcing procurement to an expert and specialized company. This will also prevent shortages that will result in delays.

Lab equipment
(Bobjgalindo, Wikimedia Commons)

Legal issues and patenting

You simply cannot fully focus on the legal side of the research when managing lab technicians and dealing with complicated projects. A specialist research legal firm will be able to register and trademark all your innovations and patents, so you are not wasting your efforts. Once your innovations are protected, you can sell them to other companies as well, so they can use it for their own projects.


You simply don’t want to pay high wages for your lab technicians to clean the equipment or carry out safety checks and calibration. The good news is that there  are plenty of great lab support companies that will take care of this task at an affordable price. Whether you need thermometer calibration or general maintenance and testing, you can find an expert company to take care of your needs.

Marketing your innovations

When you are focusing on finding new innovative technologies and solutions, you will have no time to market your intellectual property. You can improve the structure of your venture by creating a marketing plan collaborating with a company that knows your industry and your potential buyers. Even if your company doesn’t have a separate department for liaising with other industry players and marketing the latest inventions, an external company with experience in your field can make a huge difference when it comes to maximizing your return on investment.

It is important that you don’t spread yourself too thin when running a busy research and development facility. Do what you can do best, and outsource some of the specialist tasks that can help you achieve long term success.

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