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How Are Science And Business Related?

– Contributed content –

No secret science
(Derek Keats, flickr)

23 May 2018. It’s easy to say that business and science are interrelated. For decades now, both industries have been working together and the results have been, and continue to be spectacular. However, to say the journey was smooth is a lie. It’s been a rocky relationship and the odds are high that it’ll stay this way for the foreseeable future. Still, getting along and living in perfect harmony isn’t the most important things. What is essential is that the link continues to stay steady and maintain, even grow if possible. The question is, is this possible? Let’s take a look and find out.

Communication and tech

One of the most significant problems is an open dialogue, and not just the fact that both industries are tight-lipped. There are great reasons for them to keep their cards close to their chest. No, instead, when speaking up suits both parties, it’s essential to have the means to communicate. In the past, this was a major issue because the technology didn’t exist. Nowadays, it’s straightforward for both scientists and entrepreneurs to reach out and ask for help. Or, either can pose questions that will lead to further innovation in the future. Because dialogue is pretty easy, there is no reason for the relationship to weaken in this sense.


And this isn’t only a reference to products and services. Sure, the latter is vital for both parties, but there is also a shift in the dynamic between the industries. Speaking to Euro Scientist, Aidan Gilligan says that people report business info without no background. In short, they are scientists spewing out theoretical analysis. The fact that people understand this is the case is an evolution of sorts. Regardless of whether both sides bow, companies can take the basics and adjust them for maximum results.

Toy robot
(Peter Lindberg, Flickr)

Two-way street

Let’s not forget that this is a symbiotic relationship. Without the other, both would struggle to be as successful. Granted, the industries would not collapse by any means but they wouldn’t be the same, either. Think of all the technological advancements recently, from an in-house virtual service to a health monitor in a watch. From an entrepreneurial perspective, they have a lot to gain because it helps to shift units. Scientists also have funding to secure, and they do this by showcasing their work. Without a guinea pig for a partner, there would be less money and fewer innovations.

Supply and demand

Science and business aren’t the only two industries in play, here; consumers are involved too. Don’t forget that they have become used to buying the best products and services on the market. In fact, society is based on technology, from social media posts to working remotely. If this were to disappear, it would greatly annoy the market. There is no reason for either side to give up a good thing when the demand is high and they control the supply. It’s a no-brainer to maintain the status quo.

Although it’s a tricky dynamic, the benefits are too good for either side to give up now.

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