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Four Ingredients That Every Good Web Site Needs

– Contributed content –

Web design graphic
(Flash Alexander, Public Domain Pictures)

29 May 2018. A good web site is absolutely vital for any business these days. It’s the primary way that customers find you and if you’re selling products online, everything has to be spot on if you’re going to beat your competitors. The problem is, a lot of people don’t actually know what makes a good web site and they just think of all of the cosmetic stuff but a good web site is about more than just design. Obviously, a good design is important but there are so many other things that you need to consider. These are the ingredients that make up a good web site.

A good landing page

Consumers are incredibly fickle, especially when they’re browsing online. When they click on a new web site, they won’t stay long if they don’t find something that they like. One of the biggest problems for all businesses is bounce rate (the number of people that leave the web site after viewing only one page). If you’ve got a high bounce rate, it suggests that people are clicking on your site and then leaving because they aren’t impressed. The best way around that is to create a good landing page. One of the biggest mistakes people make is using a boring template that they can’t customize properly. It looks amateur and it’s not that exciting so people will just leave again. Instead of using a template, find the best WordPress landing page builder and use that instead. You’ll be able to create a more unique landing page that grabs the attention of customers and makes them more likely to explore the rest of the site.

Proper hosting services

Another thing that really puts customers off is slow loading times. They’re not willing to wait more than a few seconds for a page to load so if your site is slow, they’ll just go elsewhere. The main reason that web sites slow down is because the servers aren’t equipped to deal with the number of visitors you’re getting. If you’re not investing in good hosting services, you’ll run into problems. It’s also important that you’re updating it every once in a while so, as the business grows, your capacity for visitors on the web site grows in line with it.

Mobile friendly site

For the first time ever, more web sites are viewed on mobile devices than on computers. That’s why you absolutely have to optimise your site for mobile use. We’ve all experienced trying to use a web site that isn’t optimized for mobile and it’s incredibly frustrating. Most customers are using their phones so you’re just going to be putting off most of your customer base. It’s not that much more work to create a good mobile web site so you’re only hurting yourself by skipping that step.

Social media links

Building a good following on social media is central to any marketing campaign these days. There are plenty of different ways to build that following, but one of the best is social media links on your web site. If people can follow you with the click of a button after visiting your site and liking what they see, you’ll have a far larger social media presence. Put the social media links front and center on the web site and you’ll notice a big difference.

These are the four ingredients that every good web site needs.

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