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Can Clients Put Their Trust In Your Pharmacy?

– Contributed content –

Pharmacy shelves

23 June 2018. Starting any business can be daunting. Starting a pharmacy is even more so. In retail, you only have to worry about getting people’s outfits right. In hospitality, the key is making your food taste good. But, in a pharmacy, you need customers to place their lives in your hands. And, that’s a big ask. When you’re new on the block, you may struggle to get started for this reason alone. After all, who in their right minds would entrust their lives to an unknown entity?

When you think of it like that, this can seem like an impossible field to break into. But, people do start pharmacies and see success, and you could too. All it takes is proving yourselves trustworthy and reliable in every interaction. And, we’re going to look at three best ways your pharmacy can prove itself.

High-quality training

While pharmacies deal with prescriptions, you may also have drop-ins. In fact, around half of the people who visit a pharmacy do so with no real knowledge of what they need. Instead, they’ll present symptoms and hope you have suggestions. The better staff suggestions, the more chance of building ongoing relationships. Obviously, you’ll need a trained pharmacist onsite at all times. But, you should also focus on training other staff members. That way, they’ll be able to assist customers when the pharmacist is busy. And, that’ll go down a lot better than a blank stare and a stammered suggestion would.

Dispensing pills

A reliable CRM system

A CRM (customer relationship management) system is essential in any business. It merges processes and builds trusting customer relationships through stored data. And, you need the best customer management software you can find for your pharmacy. After all, here more than anywhere, past interactions with customers matter. For their safety, you need to know about past medications. This can also help you to keep track of all your customers. Used right, this would even allow you to find phone numbers at the click of a button. That way, you can ring to let them know when their prescriptions arrive. In any other industry, these would be nice extras. But, in healthcare, they’re essential practices you need to focus on from day one.

A well-oiled machine

Note, too, that building trust is sometimes about nothing more than offering efficient service. If a customer takes a chance on getting their prescription sent to you, it’s essential you prepare it for their arrival. They certainly won’t make the mistake again if they have to wait, or, worse, their prescription goes missing. But, both of these are possible if your pharmacy gets busy. If everyone’s serving out front, there won’t be time to consider prescriptions. To make sure that doesn’t happen, delegate roles. Employ shop staff, and keep dispensers at the back to deal only with prescriptions and equipment. It’s the only way to make sure you keep on top of everything at all times. And, that’ll make a huge difference to how much repeat custom you gain.

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