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Scientific Reasons Doctors Are Correct (Most Of The Time)

– Contributed content –

MD with stethoscope
(George Hodan, Public Domain Pictures)

28 July 2019. From the 1990s to 2010, there were 80,000 medical malpractice lawsuits in the USA. Of those successful suits, around 7% died while the rest were injured or not affected whatsoever. Compared to other actions in this country, this is a tiny percentage which shows one thing: doctors are right most of the time. There are a few bad apples, yet the majority of the group is knowledgeable and skillful enough to tackle challenging scenarios.

People often take it for granted even though it’s incredibly impressive. So, to put it into perspective, here are the secrets to their success. These are the reasons why they are correct most of the time.

The prep

A man or a woman doesn’t wake up in the morning and feel like they are lifesavers. Today, there is a thorough program which candidates have to pass if they want to become a doctor. Usually, it takes around five to seven years depending on the specialization. That’s 2,555 days in total. During this time, they are checked regularly and go on various courses. Plus, there is the incredible amount of studying to keep up with the workload. By the end of the course, they are by no means infallible yet their knowledge is vast. And, they never stop learning.

The technology

To say it is all down to the individual is wrong. Doctors are part of a team which includes nurses, tech, and the patients themselves. While nurses and patients play a major role, they are human and make mistakes. Technology doesn’t bear the same responsibility. High volume counting tech ensures the medication is perfect. Then, an LTC medication dispensing cabinet stores the drugs once they are counted to avoid errors. These are two illustrations without mentioning an MRI scanner or x-ray machine or encrypted antivirus software. Technology covers their back and helps pick up on their boo-boos.

The consequences

Although there were only 80,000 medical malpractice suits in the last twenty years, the tide is turning. Lawyers are more accessible and willing to work for free if they don’t win. Plus, the culture is money-focused and everyone wants their pound of flesh. More than half of US doctors say they have had their day in court recently. And, the payouts are getting bigger and bigger. The impact on the individual is inevitable: they are going to check and double check. No one wants to be the reason a patient didn’t make it, and they don’t want a judge or a jury to get involved either. The best way to avoid this scenario is to be perfect.

The patient

Once upon a time, patients did everything they were told because they were less entitled. Now, there is Google and anyone can self-diagnose. In fact, 80% of women try to figure out what is wrong with them by going online. Doctors hate this because it undermines their authority, yet it keeps them honest too. They know they can’t use jargon or a lack of knowledge to lie. Thanks to Google, they are as culpable as ever.

Why do you think doctors tend to make the right decisions?

Editor’s note: The opinions in this post are those of the contributor, not Science & Enterprise.

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