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The Signs of a Positive Workplace

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11 August 2018. When you go to work, you are spending a lot of your time in one place. You are likely to spend more time at work than at home, especially during a standard working week. So you will no doubt want to look to work somewhere that helps you to feel productive and positive, and makes it a good place to be. Work can be stressful and busy at times; there is no getting away from that. But you don’t want to have to have a worse time at work because it is generally a negative and damaging place to be. So the question is, how do you identify if you are working in a positive environment or not? And also, what are the things to look out for when it comes to interview and looking for jobs?

If you work somewhere that is a positive place to work, then quite often they are places that foster excellence and help you to be more productive. There is likely to be a good sense of teamwork and camaraderie among the employees too. Here are some other things to be looking out for, if you’re looking for a positive place to work.

Encouraging and positive values

A mission statement is something that most companies will have. But you want to check that the mission statement aligns with what you want from your workplace, as well as the fact that they are actually following through with what they say that they stand for. Are they making ways to be more sustainable or more ethical? What other positive attributes do they talk about? If you are applying for a job at a company, then this is the kind of thing to look out for on their website, before you think of applying.

Excellence and growth

If you have worked somewhere for a set amount of time and not been able to progress, then you will know how damaging it can be for you. It can be hard to work somewhere where you are not appreciated and where you can’t progress. This isn’t what you want to look for when you are looking for a positive place to work. During interview, for instance, you can ask about progression and development and what opportunities there are. It may be something that naturally comes up. Either way, it is good to address it and talk about it.

Sitting with coffee and laptop
(Bruce Mars,

Longevity and support

Being able to work in an environment that offers support to you, as well as longevity, can be a massive bonus. It can make a really positive environment to work in, and really appeal as far as working for that company goes. Do they care about their employees and have backup plans for emergencies? When they have the right environment for you to work in, with adequate heating, lighting, and commercial generators, it can make it a much more comfortable place to work. Look at what other ways you will be supported by the company as their employee. It can all help the work environment that you’re in, and make going to work each day much more enjoyable.

In the modern day and age that we are living in, the way we work is changing. More and more companies are getting on board with flexible working. And being able to work flexibly is just what you want, for a better work and life balance. The ‘butts on seats’ mentality needs to change for all employees to be more productive and to get more done. But the thing is, there is still a lot to be done for many companies.

So if you are looking for a positive environment to work in, then look for one that is flexible. Whether you’re a parent or not, flexible working benefits everyone, and will mean more productivity. And when you’re seen to be trusted, and can work your job around other requirements a day or two a week, it can be a really positive thing in your life, helping stress and the elusive work and life balance.

Open communication

If you will have a boss that is going to just sit in their office and not come to mingle or speak to you all, then it can lead to quite a negative working environment. You want to be able to speak to those people as equals, and share ideas and thoughts. It can help business to thrive and help to create a positive place to work when you know you are listened to and respected.

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