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Top Careers for People Invested in Helping Others

– Contributed content –


30 August 2018. While the majority of people tend to focus their careers around the salary that it allows them to take home at the end of each month, it’s important to remember that your job doesn’t necessarily have to be money oriented. If your main concern is making the world a better place for people to live in, here are just a couple of different careers that can have a sincerely positive impact on the lives of numerous individuals.


Nowadays, many people who are afraid of offending others tend to avoid talking about politics. We all have varying views as to how the country should be run, and we don’t necessarily want to rub anyone up the wrong way if they have different ideals to us. Remaining relatively neutral in public allows us to sit on the fence and remain popular all round. This is also perhaps why big brand companies, celebrities, television shows, films, and other individuals or companies selling themselves as brands tend to steer clear of politics in their content, marketing campaigns, and self-presentation: they want to remain as popular and agreeable as possible.

But at the end of the day, someone has to deal with politics. Someone has to decide what is best for people living in the societies that any given government sets out to protect. These individuals are politicians. They shape future laws and policies, and work for constituents. This, of course, can be hard work. But by becoming a politician, you do gain the opportunity to create policies that will benefit the people that you represent in various ways.

The decisions that you make can drastically impact all areas of the lives of the people who you represent, right down to their basic rights. Most politicians tend to lean either left or right. Individuals representing the left are Democrats, while individuals representing the right are Republicans, like Michele Reagan, who is Arizona secretary of state. So, if this interests you, start doing your research and campaigning.

Mental health counselor

Pretty much any career in medicine and social care is bound to be helpful to others. After all, every role is dedicated to improving patients’ and clients’ health, well-being, and general quality of life. However, it would be impossible to list all of the potential paths in this field that you could take in just one article. So, for now, let’s focus on mental health counseling. In recent years, awareness surrounding the prevalence of mental health issues, and research into helping individuals with mental health issues have significantly increased.

By becoming a mental health counselor, you can help patients to understand their condition, as well as helping them to work their lives around their mental illness. This can often include crisis management, so you will be working with vulnerable individuals. However, you can offer them the opportunity to cope with their issues effectively and improve their overall standard of living.

These are just two different career paths that you can take if your main concern is improving others’ lives. They are not the easiest roles to get into. But once you land the job, seeing the smiles on the faces of people you’ve helped will be more than worth the effort.

Editor’s note: The opinions expressed in this post are the contributor’s and not those of Science & Enterprise. Outgoing links in the text do not represent an endorsement by Science & Enterprise.

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