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Infographic – Nations with Most Organ Donors

Organ donation chart
Percentage in each country willing to donate their organs upon their death. Click on image for full-size view. (Statista)

8 September 2018. Several academic and industry research efforts are developing new technologies to replace failing organs, including kidneys, liver, lungs, and heart. In the past year, Science & Enterprise reported on a number of these projects such as 3-D printing of replacement organs and growing new human organs in pigs to replace those that fail; see links below.

Until those technologies come to fruition, however, donated organs will remain the preferred option, when all other solutions are exhausted. Our friends at Statista this week compiled data from surveys conducted by the international polling company Ipsos showing percentages of respondents willing to donate their organs upon their death, this weekend’s infographic.

The data show Colombia and India have the largest percentage of people willing to donate their organs, about 3 in 4 in each country. Roughly two-thirds of those in Canada, Australia, U.K., Italy, and the U.S. will also donate their organs. Russia comes in last, with less than 1 in 3 (30%).

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